Thursday, December 8, 2016

Dressmaking Retreat Photos (Plus New Spring Sessions!)

My fall dressmaking retreats here in Beacon, New York, went so well that I've decided to add three new sessions for Spring! These are very small (4-5 people) weekend getaways where we just sew and sew and sew. Participants come on a Friday evening, and then we have a lovely welcome dinner and spend the rest of the evening fitting bodice muslins. On Saturday and Sunday we work on your dresses all day, taking many tea and snack breaks, of course. If you're interested in signing up for a retreat, all the info is here.

Here are a few of my favorite photos from the fall retreats! Here I am fitting Amy's beautiful Faux Sarong Dress.

Kaye and Chrissie getting a little bit silly while admiring Chrissie's new Polka Dot Day Dress. 

 Vicki's gorgeous version of the Cherry Print Corduroy Dress in a sapphire blue wool crepe.

Sometimes passionate discussions about seam matching break out.

Vanessa in her gorgeous strapless party dress. 

I had two Amys, and they both made the Faux Sarong Dress! (Coincidence? Yeah, probably.)

Henry showing a clear lack of boundaries. 
Hattie, teaching assistant. 

As you can probably tell, the last retreats took place in my personal studio, which is a spacious live/work loft. (Hence the furry assistants.) But if all goes well, I'm moving to a cute little house in a month so I had to find a new teaching space. As luck would have it, a fabulous new sewing studio is opening right here in Beacon, called Beetle and Fred (rhymes with needle and thread, get it?). It's so new that it hasn't had its official grand opening, but I can tell you that it's a lovely modern space right in the heart of Main Street, and it will have a fully equipped classroom. 

I'm pretty psyched for a whole new group of students in a whole new space! Email me if you have any questions about the retreats. 


  1. That sounds so great! Unfortunately i live on the wrong continent...;)

  2. Meow & Woof! Oh, yes, beautiful dresses toooooo! I know Henry & Hattie would make all my sewing better! I would love to come & sew with you all, it looks like great fun :-)

  3. Linda (ACraftyScrivener)December 10, 2016 at 9:15 AM

    Oh that sounds wonderful. I am currently making my 14yo the corduroy bodice and the full pleated skirt from your book for a performance she has (singing). The muslin fits so well and she LOVES it- off to make the final product!


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