Monday, September 3, 2012

A Coat Sew-Along, Anyone?

A funny thing about designing patterns for Butterick: I haven't actually made the garments for myself yet! I make them in a sample size (a 10), and then send them off to be photographed while the patterns get digitized and graded into the full size range. So of course I'm dying to make the patterns for my own wardrobe!

I'm definitely planning on sewing Butterick 5824 for the fall. I have this amazing fabric; it's an ivory boiled wool with black lace fused on top.

I think it would look smashing in this pattern, especially with a silk lining in a bright jewel tone.

I'm in the middle of yet another big exciting project (more to come on that), so I won't actually be able to start sewing this until the end of the month. Which makes it a perfect sew-along contender!  This will give us a few weeks to get our supplies and patterns gathered, and start making muslins.

My plan for this sew-along will be to focus on faster, easier tailoring techniques than I've featured here in the past. I'm especially interested in writing about how to get good shaping results with fusible interfacings, as opposed to pad stitching and hair canvas. (However, I do think this coat needs bound buttonholes, don't you? Luckily there are only two!)

Anyway, let me know in the comments if you'd like to join a sew-along for this pattern. If there's enough interest, I will start planning the schedule and Flickr group. I'd also love to know if anyone is interested in being a volunteer moderator, which would involve commenting on muslins, responding to comments, and the like. I'd also love volunteers to write guest posts on fitting, fabrics, interfacings, and other relevant topics.

I hope you'll sew along with me!

P.S. Katrina of Edelweiss Patterns has already made a coat from this pattern. Doesn't she look amazing in it?


  1. wow! I wish I lived somewhere where it was cooler. I'll enjoy 'reading along' with you all!

  2. I have never made a coat before it would be fun to do a sew-along!

  3. This sounds like the perfect solution to my dire need of a new winter coat! I will do a sew along. I have a feeling it is just what I need to force myself to sew one rather than just buying one.

  4. I'd love to do a sew-a-long!

  5. Yes yes yes I can't wait to start

  6. Let's do it! I need a coat just like this to wear over my full skirts this fall. Could offer my fabric cutting/pattern drafting skills and write some posts too.

  7. Considering that coats are in my UFO pile, I'll have to pass. The kiddos have probably grown out of the ones I started last year, but I'll most likely try to finish them and hang onto them for the next kid in line.

  8. I bought this patter the very minute I saw it!!! I haven't sewn it yet, but I do have some wonderful Pendleton wool in a black on grey pattern (not plaid) that has been waiting for just the right pattern. This is IT! I am so eager for your next patterns. I thought of making a suggestion. Now if I could just narrow it down to ONE suggestion, from my list of flirty lingerie, feminine blouse, pleated skirt, perfectly turned out day dress, or I just know you could design an evening gown, just a trifle more modest, than we are used to seeing on the red carpets of the world. Oh, and anything with a high cut, set in sleeve, with an added gusset for range of movement!!1

  9. Yes Please! I've never participated in a sew-along. This project would be a fun place to start :)

  10. Absolutely. I don't have the pattern yet (waiting for a sale) but I am already looking for the perfect fabric. I cant decide on something semi casual or really dressy. I'll probably end up making both. Imagine this coat in velvet! Yummy.

  11. Hi Gertie!
    I already bought the coat pattern, and would love a sew a long class!! Please do the class, I would love it!

  12. I'm in. I've been looking for a nice winter jacket that will fit my 6'1" scrawny frame and arms for about 4 years now...not gonna happen. Wool melton dress coat, here I come!

  13. I would absolutely love to join this. I bought a huge length of houndstooth wool at an estate sale a few weeks ago that would look fantastic sewn up in this pattern. I've never sewn something this complicated, so a sew-along would be amazing.

  14. THAT is a beautiful coat. And I would love a sew along. However, the largest size available is a 22. Alas, that is just too small. If it were a 28 I could grade it to my current 32 size.

    I will be sure to read and enjoy reding about the sew along. :) Enjoy yourselves!!

  15. I would love a sew along with this coat - I bought the pattern already. Now comes the search for some gorgeous yet reasonably priced material choices!

  16. Oh,yes please,I bought the pattern the minute I saw it and I would love a sew-along,can't wait to get started,thanks Gertie!

  17. I'm sure I will read the whole thing but I'm doing a SWAP contest next month so I'll have to wait till much later to start. Plus I still haven't done my bombshell dress.

  18. My pattern arrived last week. I'd love to sew along and help moderate in anyway you deem fit with my current experience (having never sewn a coat). I think the coating I have may be too heavy and some wool melton I have may not be enough....decisions.

  19. Oh that sounds so exciting!! I would love to do a sew along. a sart at the end of the month is great timing for me, too!

  20. Gertie - Count me in! I'd like to make a coat dress in light green wool (from my stash) inspired by Princess Kate's coatdress from Emilia Wickstead that she wore for St. Patrick's Day.

    P.S. Just ordered your book - I don't know why I delayed!

  21. ....mmmm very tempting; i have neither pattern or wool fabric atm and will need time to order and await them being shipped....hopefully a month will be enough time.

    My eldest daughter has moved to Berlin recently; she sold all of her clothing prior to going...she'll be heading into a Northern Hemisphere winter with no coat. Given miss22's penchant for selling her clothes, i think a mother-made coat sans difficult time consuming techniques might be the go.

    I've been doing an awful lot of French hand sewing techniques on baby wear for my Grandmother's hope chest (it'll be years before i get those grandbabies) so now it might be time to focus on making something for one of the mothers of my prospective grandbabies haha

  22. I'm definitely in. Just got the pattern, and now I get to shop for the wool. Hooray. Great idea, Gertie. Thanks.

  23. Sounds great! I liked the pattern as soon as I saw it. A sew along is always a fun way to sew a big project like this.

  24. I am absolutely in!!! I am awaiting a pattern sale coming soon.. I'll be at the door the minute it opens! I was already going to make the coat, but to have a sew-along to guide me is perfection.

    I've never sewn a coat, and eagerly look forward to how much I will learn. Time to start looking for fabric!

  25. I'm two years late to sewing Lady Grey and am almost complete! I have to finish the collar, attach the facing, and sew the hem. This sew along is just in time for me to NOT do it and put it off for two years. Hah!

    No, really. Starting next month would be great. I really want a purple pea coat and I've delayed making it long enough. I'm in...for now.

  26. Oooh, yes, pleeaaase do! That would be great, I'm definitely in!!!

  27. I have the pattern and would love to join your sew-along for it! Thanks for being so generous!

  28. I'm in! I just bought a coat pattern yesterday so the timing is perfect!

  29. I'm also in. Will get the pattern and fabrics together for the sew-along.

  30. Okay, I have to ask, where did you get that beautiful fabric - I HAVE TO HAVE IT!

    1. I got it from Hart's Fabrics online--but they sadly don't seem to have it anymore. B&J Fabrics had it in their store, but I remember it being much more expensive than at Hart's.

    2. Thank you! I'll check them out.

  31. Yes, please have the coat sew-along! I already made my muslin.

  32. I would love to do a sewalong. I've never done one, however I'm worried that I'm too much of a novice to be able to tackle this. I would probably need like loads of help! :-/.
    I LOVEEEE your blog btw ( just found it like last week) :-)


  33. Absolutely! And bound buttonholes are a must! ;-)

  34. Jey sewalong ! i Got the perfect fabric

  35. I would love but what about those kimono sleeves-gussets! I had so much trouble fitting this type of sleeve and sewing it in the past. Are you planning on specific posts on this (both fitting and sewing them)?

    1. There aren't any gussets in these sleeves--they're meant to have ease underneath them to accommodate your outfit below!

  36. I would love to do a sew along but have never done one before so not to sure what is involved, also not sure if my sewing skills are good enough but willing to give it a go. Love the pattern and could really do with a coat always cold here in England in the winter. How would we know when it would start?

    1. I'll post a schedule in the next week!

    2. I best start looking for some lovely material than,Just one question regarding the coat would it suit someone only 5ft tall and a british size 12 as I dont normally wear coats but really like this one and love all the retro styles. I have just finished my bombshell dress on your crafsty course, great course and really learnt a lot, also ordered your book but its not out until 6th September so only a few days to go cant wait to see it. I've also signed up for your jacket course but not done that one yet. Doing your course and following your blog has inspired me to start sewing again after many years and even then I never sewn for myself so struggling with some of the fitting issues but getting there slowly.

    3. Hi Gretchen It would be nice to keep in touch and compare notes on the sew along being as we are both new to the whole thing and of similar size range, dont know how we would do that possibly facebook or something not sure how a sew along works but cant wait to find out.

  37. Count me in, I just adore the coat!

  38. Gertie, please do this sew along! I can't wait to go and pick up this pattern! :)

  39. Would love to participate! Just discovered your fabulous blog and have your new book sitting in front of me just delivered! Would also like som eideas of types of fabrics that might work up best for different climates...this will be such fun,thanks!

  40. I would love to join in on the sew along!
    Im can also help out with voluteering, either one!

    Cant wait!

  41. I can't think of a more fabulous idea :) Seeing as we're starting to see some warmer weather where I live I probably wouldn't join in on the sewalong myself (maybe in the lead up to our next winter), but I'd dearly love to help out as a commentor/moderator? Sewing jackets, blazers and coats are my absolute favourite garment to sew (I've made quite a few) so I'm fairly familiar with fitting issues and techniques. It's a stunningly gorgeous pattern by the way - I'm going to make your dress as soon as I receive it!

  42. Yep. This looks like a coat for me. I could do this!

  43. I would be interested in joining a sew along! I sew professionally for theatre so sometimes it's hard to sew for 8 hours and then come home and sew more, but this coat is so fabulous. :D Thanks Gertie, I can hardly wait to see what else you come up with!

  44. I'd love to see your sew along - even if I don't sew along with you (its coming into summer here). However maybe a light-weight coat might be a good thing to have... hmmmm

  45. Yes I'm totally game for a Sew-along. I'd already planned to make it myself so it would be lovely to have a host of others make it at the same time. :)

  46. It's so beautiful, but sadly, I don't live anywhere I could really use it :( It's too hot here, most of the time. I'd definitely be following along though. Your material looks so perfect too! I did buy your Butterrick dress pattern, and I can't wait to sew that up! :)

  47. I wish I needed one in this tropical climate! :) I'll wait for the next sew along and continue on my other 3000 ongoing projects. :)


  48. Oh, yes, please!!!! I already have the pattern. Ordered it the day you filled us in :)

  49. Love the coat. And it's funny that you haven't actually made it for yourself!

    I'm actually in the midst of making my brother a sports coat (he wants to be Doctor Who for Halloween and we can't find a tweed coat that's right for him; fortunately this is totally something he would wear out on the street on a day that's not Halloween). I really can't thank you enough for the tutorials you've done on tailoring techniques. I'd made a jacket for myself about ten years ago, but this is going to be so much more professional now that I sort of know what I'm doing. ;)

  50. Just waiting for the pattern to arrive, hopefully in time for a sew a long! hurrah!

  51. would love to!! ordering the pattern during the day!

  52. I'm waiting for this pattern to arrive so that sounds great. I'm new to technology though and have never used flicker so would you provide some info on how to access it etc? Thanks

  53. Yes please. Would love to do a sew along with you. I love making coats. Being 5'1" not too sure if its going to suit. Might have to think about a good length. Can anyone out there help? :)

    1. Hi Lynda
      I'm the same as you really want to do it but not too sure if its going to suit, I'm the same sort of height as you and a uk size 12, I dont normally wear coats and never made one before also never done a sew along but looking forward to it. Also need advice on s suitable length.

    2. You guys totally should make it anyhow! I'm 4'11" and am making this coat. :) You can always make it slighly less full (& a narrower collar) if you think it would overwhelm your petite frames.

  54. Oh my this pattern is AMAZING!!! I have been dreaming of finding the perfect vintage coat pattern for years and this certainly fits the bill!!! I have ordered the pattern and I am eager take part in your fantastic sew along!!

  55. Now that is my kind of coat, if only I had the ability to make it! Beautiful.

  56. I'd enter a sew-along for this pattern, I'd love a wintercoat like this one!

  57. Yes please, I've never sewn a coat before so would love to be able to talk to other about it as I sew. I have some fabric that I think would work, just need to get the pattern and lining etc. Just keep your fingers crossed that I can get the pattern in England.

  58. Would definitely be interested in the moderator role - if you're still looking, & don't mind having a Brit on board. Happy to let you have details on my sewing background (including a Masters degree in Theatre Costume) if that would help?

  59. Oh, yes please! I just ordered my fabric and supplies!

  60. I would love to - but probably finish my half finished coat first right? Darn it.

    The wool looks amazing though - can't wait to see what the finished article looks like!

  61. I'm still saving up for the super-expensive fabric I want to use in the Colette Lady Grey pattern, so I won't be able to participate, but I'd love to see you do a sew-along on this pattern - it looks like a perfect addition to my Canadian winter wardrobe! I'd love to see tutorials on tailoring with simpler methods too!

  62. YES PLEASE! I've been holding onto 5 yards of black & purple wool for 18 months now, planning a coat and yours is PERFECT!!! I acutally bought an okay pattern a year ago, but love yours SO MUCH MORE. Now if only I were the size I want to be when I start making clothes for me again...

  63. I would LOVE to do a sew-along for this coat!


  64. I am actually gearing up to make another coat in the next couple of months, but I think I'm going to make another Lady Grey. They are pretty similar, though, so I'd like to follow along :)

  65. Hi Gertie would love to join in the sewalong. Have already got the pattern fell in love with it on site.

  66. I bought this pattern one second after you linked to it on your blog. You know, because I was SO going to make it (but secretly knew I'd never really make it). If I'm being honest, a sew-along is probably the only way I'll ever get around to making this gorgeous coat. So, please, please have a sew-along! I'm in dire need of a darling vintage style coat in MY size!

  67. Sounds like fun. I have a teal and white houndstooth that would be perfect.

  68. I think I'll join you all in this - I need a sewing project for the autumn and would love another coat. The only problem, it needs a lot of fabric.
    For those of you in the UK Huddersfield Fabrics have a lovely range of tweeds - I bought 2 lots last year.

  69. Yes, yes, yes! I'd love to be in a sew-along for this beauty! It will be my first foray into tailoring, but I'm ready for a challenge.

  70. I love the sew-along idea and have never done one before! I am considering a shortened version of this coat; I will get more wear from it, and it might look a bit peplum-y in the end, which is appealing. LOVE the sleeves and collar!

  71. That will make a gorgeous coat. Are you planning to do the lapels in the same fabric as the body, or in a contrasting fabric, such as the jewel-toned lining you speak of or in a solid black wool or silky material?

    Not quite a good enough sewer to try the sewalong for a coat, but I will definitely follow along. Right now I'm plotting the pencil skirt from your book in pale blue suiting, brown with pale blue pinstriped suiting, and the flounce version in black. ^_^

  72. You are so wonderful to offer us a chance to make this coat with so much help. Will buy this pattern ASAP. My daughter lost a coat like this one on a flight back from NY to Santa Babara. She was so heart broken, so I plan to surprise her with your coat. I have some green wool which would be perfect for this project (hopefully I have enough).

  73. I'm In! have just ordered the pattern, now to find some amazing fabric to go with it.

  74. Your book just arrived today and I am over the moon! I need a new winter coat but I think I need a leopard print cocktail dress even more! ;-) Absolutely brilliant book - every page is a trove of useful info. Thanks so much; I am really looking forward to what you'll do next!

  75. I'd love to sew along! This is a great project to complete before the really cold weather and snow hit Utah!

  76. Oh, my goodness! YES. I will totally sew along with you! I've been learning more advanced techniques by following your blog and also from your book, so this pattern will be a great way for me to grow my skills. It will be the first time I make bound button holes. I'd be interested in participating with a guest post if you need someone to help out with that! My own blog readers will really appreciate the cross over, so feel free to reach out to me. ( Cheers! ~Mary Ann

  77. End of the month would be perfect! Travelling now so that would give me time to get home and buy supplies. Count me in!

  78. I would most definitely be interested in this!! I actually already bought the shell fabric for this and I am waiting for it to get to me in the mail. Also, I have a couple lengths of fabric intended for the shirtdress in your book!

  79. I'm definitely interested; do you think a 'bump' would fit under the coat? If the button's needed to be raised slightly, would that completely throw off the collar? Otherwise, I'll be watching from the sidelines and referring back next winter!

  80. Gertie! I finally got your book today and I must say it is a real gem! Just flipping through the pages and IMAGINING my self in them makes me feel stunning! Thank you so mush for this!

  81. I'm in as long as I can find some suitable fabric in the remnants at my husband's upholstery shop. They always have tons of yardage that customers don't want back that's perfect for coats and bags. Plus a bunch of pricey wool coating just isn't in my nonexistent sewing budget right now. Waiting for my local Joanns to stock the pattern then I'll snap it up on the next sale.

  82. I would love to join the sew-along! Congrats on the looks great!

  83. I love vintage patterns! =)

  84. Ok just ordered the pattern, now have to find some lovely fabric, just hope I have time before you start the sew along.

  85. Just want to say that I receieved my Gertie's New Book for Better Sewing this morning and I can't keep my hands off it, despite being at looks fabulous and I am looking forward to using it!:)

  86. I just found an amazing light weight (perfect for Texas!) cobalt blue and black houndstooth for this pattern, which I ordered the day you announced them! So excited to make it!

  87. Never before done a muslin, so it will be very interesting and educating!

  88. hi there !
    i'm a new sewist. id love to sal with you though. i purchased your bombshell class but havent gotten up the nerve to tackle it. i didnt have a good place to sew either so had to put everything awayeverytime which doesnt encourage sewing a lot lol. my dh jsut built me a sewing table and rearranged our bedroom so i could have a sewing corner! :D my dd helped him. how awesome is that! :D however i'm broad shouldered and large busted and am afraid this coat's lapel would make me look like a linebacker. do you have any ideas of a different collar treatment?
    CONGRATULATIONS on your bok and patterns. you have incredible design sense and style and are so talented - you deserve this recognition of your gifts!

  89. Yes, yes, a thousand times, Yes! I've been drooling over this pattern ever since I got the first email from Butterick! I always have to alter patterns (I'm 5'11 with an hourglass figure) So I would love to walk-along as you make this coat!

  90. I would love to do the sew along. Found the same material and can't wait. It will be fab.

  91. Hi - Have been waiting for the opportunity of a sewalong. It's starting to warm up in southern Australia, but a warm coat is something one can wear most of the year. I have just returned to sewing after a long break, so I think that the sewalong method will suit me. Am eagerly awaiting the arrival of your book, and have enrolled in the bombshell dress course (which I haven't started yet). Looking forward to starting off at the end of the month! Ciao, Tam.

  92. I would love to join the sew along! I am planning on buying the pattern at Hancock's in the morning when it is onsale for ~ $1.50. Being a student, my ideal fabric is under $5 a yard yet I still want a good wool so it might take awhile to find.
    Still I am determined to make this even knowing that I can ony wear it for 2 months in the part of Texas where I live.

  93. I would love to participate in a sew-along for this coat. I am pretty sure to be the only fireman on this site!

    Just give us a few more weeks for the pattern to be available in Canada...

  94. Gertie, I am not good with computers and was wondering what the fliker group is and how do I get this to follow the sew-along? Also, what type of interfacing should I buy for the boiled wool with the lace overlay? Thank so much. Krista

    1. Hi Krista, can't help re. interfacing but can answer re. Flickr. It is a photo based online community, free to join. You can use your google or Facebook account to log in. Does that help?

    2. thanks will give it a whirl.

  95. Love to join the sew along. I need a new stylish coat!

  96. I'm a newbie, am nervous, but keen to learn. Will see about getting the pattern and start researching sewing with wool...and choosing the right material.

    1. Quick question: Do you think that a large plaid would work? I saw a bolt of fabric that whispered my name (well, I haven't checked the price yet, so I may have to ignore it ha!) Or should I stick with something simpler?

  97. Dang it Gertie, I'm in! I'll order the pattern and begin my fabric search. I'm doing the bombshell dress so really, what's one more project right? Plus I need a nice coat.

  98. Ordered my fabric yesterday and I am ready for my first sew-a-long. We'll see if I am fast enough...

  99. I just discovered this blog! OMG these are so great! I actually own an original coat just like this and it is a fabulous silhouette. Thanks so much for bringing this pattern and all your patterns out for everyone to be able to make such beautiful clothes.
    Best wishes with the success of your book. I will be looking for it in Brooklyn.

  100. I'm definitely in! I need a fall-to-winter coat and I think this one would be perfect. I just have to get the pattern and I saw some gorgeous pink wool that'll be perfect.

  101. Sign me up! I am not on facebook or any other social media--can I still participate?

  102. I'm so in! Both your patterns arrived here very fast (considering they had to fly to Greece), and I have them since Wednesday (and your book is on its way to me-excited!). This would be a nice push for me to get into it before the first colds. Good luck with your party (wish I could be there...) and your future plans!

  103. I would love too! Have never made a coat before or been involved in a sew along. When will we be starting?

  104. To all: Am hunting for the right weight of fabric (we have nasty winters here). Should I be looking for suiting fabric? Or can I look at something heavier like boiled wool? Thanks!

  105. I love the look of these Winter Coats, but I don't think I will take part in the sew along. I am not that talented and I just prefer shopping. I just found an amazing coat at Burlington Coat Factory that is similar to this one and I love it. With their prices, it would likely cost more to even attempt doing it on my own.

  106. This is already on my to do list for Sept/Oct.

  107. I just took advantage of the Butterick $4.99 sale to get this pattern! I'd like to do the sew-along, but honestly, I don't know if I'd be able to keep up. I'd like to try, though!

    I think this would be awesome in velvet.

  108. I would love to participate im a size 10-12. How much material would I need and what is a good fabric for such a design?

  109. If I can get hold of fabric at affordable price and the pattern in the UK I'll give it a go.
    Oh, and can I join the 5ft1" and under UK size 12ish club? ;)

    Apologies in advance, I may be a bit slow as I don't use a machine. I only hand sew.

  110. First time for everything, just take hold of my courage and go for it. Now to look for pattern and fabric, then ready to go.

  111. Gertie - I am going to use a wool crepe fabric for this - have a variety of colours here, so need to decide. I love the idea of a contrasting lining for it - not sure what I'll use there yet, but it will probably be a light weight satin of some kind. Have only just ordered the pattern so it will be interesting to see how long it takes to arrive in good old Australia. It's exciting to see that there are many people keen to participate! Ciao for now, Tam.

  112. Hooray! I was drooling over your coat pattern and this is the perfect reason to dive in! Thanks for hosting this sew-along! I want to make this in a lush green, but we will see what sort of fabric I can find. :)

  113. I am looking forward to making my first coat. Just received the pattern (thanks for the sale info) and it looks fantastic. I will need to do a full bust adjustment and hopefully can get the collar to work correctly.

  114. Unfortunately I did not find your blog until after I made the coat. However it came out beautifully. I found a very nice dk royal blue wool, almost the same as the picture. I did not make bound buttonholes but I like it fine. I have received compliments on the coat from absolute strangers. I made Butterick Retro dress 5748 in a beautiful blue rose floral. I also make a skirt in the wool and a print blouse. It is a fantastic pattern and I found it fairly easy to make.


Thanks for your comments; I read each and every one! xo Gertie

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