Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Ryan Gosling Loves your Sewing

Hey girl, I'm having a bit of a hectic week. And, like most humans, I often need a bit of stress relief. And I've found my favorite, and it doesn't involve chocolate or other substances! It's Handmade Ryan Gosling (blogged here previously), which is the gift that keeps on giving.

I have a friend with a high-pressure job who periodically checks throughout the day when she needs a mindless and soothing activity. In my fantasies, Handmade Ryan Gosling is updated as much as (Hey, you can submit ideas for new posts here!)

I'm pretty sure a dissertation (or at least a detailed psychotherapy report) could be written about why this whole thing is so appealing to me--and other sewists/crafters. But that would take away the fun. Let's just accept this beautiful gift that has been given to us.

Have a good day, girl.


  1. That makes me cry laughing! I love it so much. The perfect anti-stress tool ;)

  2. I don't even like Ryan Gosling, don't care for his movies or find him particularly attractive, and yet the whole "Hey Girl" meme (feministRG, handmandeRG, etc.) is the GREATEST THING EVER. I can't even say why, I just love it to pieces. I've converted many a friends to it as well.

  3. Awww Handmade Ryan Gosling. That and Feminist Ryan Gosling are the two I follow (you read Feminist Ryan Gosling, right? If not give it a try!)

  4. I have one of these pinned up on my inspiration board... What a perfect studio companion!

  5. OK, while I actually do find this funny, I also dated a guy for a few months who really did act this way and I finally had to dump him for being a complete doormat.

    The next guy I dated thought my new-vintage clothes were awesome even though he probably would have sewn himself to the fabric if I'd let him anywhere near my sewing stuff. I think it was a good compromise.

  6. My husband and I are both big fans of the "Hey Girl" meme. We love the HandmadeRG and the HomeschoolRG. I think the reason we love it all so much is because it is written by people just like us. My husband has even started coming up with suggestions.

  7. i love that feed too! so awesome :)

  8. Love it. I wouldn't have known about it without your posting. I'm not a huge RG fan, but those are pretty funny. I don't drag my husband along to fabric stores, but it does remind me how silly I am being expecting anything other than glazed eyes when I talk about a specific sewing project with him.

  9. I would just LOVE to know what Ryan Gosling thinks of the whole thing! :D

  10. He is great. But I have to admit, some of the "sayings" remind me of my boyfriend's comments... lucky me!

  11. Hey, Girl, sometimes you just gotta pink that seam. That's just life.

    I love you, Ryan Gosling, but only as you are on the interwebs.

  12. These are so wonderful. My favorite one is: "Hey girl. Don't turn on the fan, you know I love the smell of E-6000."

  13. Thanks Gertie! I'm part of the Handmade Ryan team and we have a blast putting these together - the submissions we get are hilarious.

    I do actually plan on writing about the experience, one day.

    We're big fans of many of the other RG tumblrs - did you know that Feminist RG is going to be published in a book? It is! The creator of that meme is also a knitter, which I was so excited to learn about.

    Re: Little Black Car's doormat comment - I freely admit, my favorite posts on our tumblr are the ones with a bit of an edge. There are some that are obviously so, but in mine, even the cheesy ones are said with sarcasm. Lots of fans like the sweetness, though, so we have to provide a bit of both.

    Thanks again for the *second* shout out. I've been following your blog since I saw the first entry - love it, love your style. :)

  14. I meant to say, "in my mind, even the cheesy . . ."

  15. I guess you could add me to the list! I am just as crazy and there could be a study done on me as well as to why I love this as much as you do!! It is just so awesome!!!

  16. I love you handmade Ryan Gosling! I haven't yet, but the last one needs to be pinned to my sewing board. Thanks! :)

  17. I love these too, my favourite one being the "Do you think your sewing table is....sturdy?" ;)

    I did one on my blog a few weeks ago, but it is more sewing scientist than purely sewing, so not quite the same thing:

  18. That first one absolutely cracked me up, and was well timed on a stressful day. Thanks, Gertie!

  19. I'm sorry but I don't find this meme series neither inspirational nor cheering. It's someone else's words pasted next to a photo of a cute guy. I prefer real compliments I get from real people, not just friends and family but the support of the on-line community. It may be non verbal, on-line but it's much more genuine that the RG meme.

  20. hahaha, I think these meme is so adorable! I send it to my crafty friends when they're having a bad day =)

  21. Hey Gertie (hey girl!) -- you've seen the new Vintage Ryan Gosling, right? Similarly adorable.

  22. I don't even know much about Ryan Gosling and I still think its hysterically funny. I finally saw a film with him in it on the weekend.

  23. The other day my lovely man volunteered to cut the last dozen pieces of boning for a corset I was making, because he thought my hands might be getting sore. It made me feel lucky, and then it made me think of hmRG, haha. I don't even know who he is, but they still make me happy.

  24. "I don't even like Ryan Gosling, don't care for his movies or find him particularly attractive, and yet the whole "Hey Girl" meme (feministRG, handmandeRG, etc.) is the GREATEST THING EVER. I can't even say why"

    It's because The AVERAGE non-sewing man would NEVER say things like Handmade RG says. And if one did, it would be totally appropriate to roll your eyes and say "Yeah, right".

    I love 'em, too, Gertie. Keep 'em coming :)

  25. I love this site! I have been periodically checking it for a few months now and it just keeps getting better. I agree with Cricket, I am not a huge fan of Gosling but this whole thing is beyond hysterical!

  26. I love these too, but the most hilarious thing is that after originally seeing this on your blog, some of my facebook friends, many of whom are farmers, put some of the same things up, except they were like, "hey girl, lets spread out the seed catalogues and circle things we want all night long". I think its hilarious that there are Ryan Gosling memes for crafter and farmers. Who else has picked up on this? I love it!

  27. this is THE BEST!! have seen it around and love it every time i see it.

  28. Loved the Handmade RG, and then I found the Teaching RG! Laughed so hard! Now I've been making my own, using my friends celebrity crushes saying things specific to our school. Actually, I have a pic of Mike Rowe on a tractor that I need to make say something cute and ridiculous for tomorrow...

  29. This one made me laugh and laugh.


Thanks for your comments; I read each and every one! xo Gertie

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