Monday, November 21, 2011

Almost a Book

Look! It's starting to resemble a book. Here's a little peek at the first pass of my book, which means it's the first time I've seen it all put together and illustrated and designed. It's quite a rush! It's no where near finished, though. I have to review the whole thing by tomorrow and make any corrections and edits.

I have a lot of work ahead of me in the next couple days, so I hope you'll understand if the blog is  light on posts this week. (Plus it's Thanksgiving here in the U.S.! And Jeff and I are going on a little romantic mini-break!)

I may have a finished coat to show you in the next few days, though. Reader Cindy came to my aid on the lining issue--she had some of that charmeuse in her stash and gave me some! Isn't that the nicest thing you've ever heard? Anyway, I just have to hem the lining and sew on the buttons and it will be done.

Thanks for hanging in there while I've been working on the book, readers. You are the best. It will all be worth it, I promise!

What are you all up to this week?


  1. Please tell me your book will be released in the UK? Pretty please?!!

  2. Hurray for being THIS much closer to having a book AND also to a mini-holiday with your husband =D I can't wait to see your finished coat!

  3. I will be definitely buying it, if it is not too advanced. Hope it is released in the UK.

  4. Me too! Please release it in the UK!!

  5. Major high fives! Cannot wait to have a copy one day :)

  6. Wow the book looks great!! I really hope it is released in the UK! Good luck with it and I'm sure it will be fab! XxxX

  7. Can't wait to see the book! Is that a section on boning? I just signed up for your Bombshell Dress course on Craftsy. Hopefully will get started soon after the holidays. Happy Thanksgiving!

  8. So excited about the book. Just from that little snippet, it looks absolutely amazing. And how wonderful that you were able to resolve your sleeve lining issue.

    Have a lovely time with Jeff on your mini-break; you both deserve it!

  9. Babies and coats for them. And matching hats. I swear I'm getting it done this week if I have to pull some all-nighters!

  10. So exciting!

    And Cindy, you're amazing!

  11. I work in publishing and I don't think I've ever been this excited about the imminent publication of a book!

  12. This sneak peek is awesome. I cannot WAIT for your book! (I've worked in publishing 20 years, so I know my anticipation must pale in comparison to yours, the author's.)

  13. This is so exiting. I can't wait to have a hard bound version of all your knowledge :) Please tell me that it will be published in the UK too.

  14. Hope you have a wonderful mini-break, and yippee for your book,and the beautiful coat. Both works of art!
    I will be working on my own book (term loosely applied) as the days of NaNoWriMo 2011 are dwindling down. But I do hope to get a bit of sewing in - just dealing with a few UFOs.

  15. Have a lovely break, Gertie. And the book looks so enticing. Can't wait for its release!

  16. Congrats on your book - can't wait to buy a copy. It was sweet of Cindy to share the lining fabric with you. Sewers are the best. Spending Thanksgiving with family.

  17. How exciting to see this first pass. Have a wonderful Thanksgiving.

  18. Yay on the book and mini-break! I will be wearing my finally-finished Lady Grey to Thanksgiving at the relatives. Just need to sew on belt loops and a button, and do a last little bit of pressing!

  19. I am so utterly exited over your book! I can't hardly wait - even if I know it's not due until next year. Good luck with the work!

    ps. I sure hope it will be available in Sweden, but both The Burdastyle and Colette where, so I have big hopes.

  20. I'm hoping to finish my pendrell top to take with me on my Thanksgiving trip to New Jersey (from San Diego). It is also my little one's first birthday on Sunday, so it will be fun to celebrate with so many of my family members.

  21. The book sure looks terrific...I am so excited for you!

  22. Looking forward to the book. Love the coat. Can't wait to see the finished deal. Showed my daughter the pictures . . . now she wants one.

  23. Congrats on the almost a book!

    That is just too amazing, first that a reader had the exact fabric AND that she shared it with you. Such kindness.

    This week I'm finishing up a challenging project for me, a trench coat. I'll blog all about it once I'm done.

    Happy Thanksgiving!

  24. Ah, can I echo the requests to release in UK - as soon as possible! This is top of my wish list in joint place with Collette's book! Pleaseeee...

  25. enjoy the page proofs. Next step: a real book!

  26. Congrats on the book!! As for me this week I'll be getting ready for Thanksgiving (mostly just lloking forward to eating it - LOL) and trying to start some gift sewing for friends for the holiday. Can't wait to get you book when it's published!

  27. It's slightly pathetic how excited I became from your one-photo glimpse of the book! I was hoping it would be out in time for Christmas :-( and presumed it definitely will be released in the UK...?

  28. I cannot wait to order a copy. Can we have a book launch party in Sydney?

    And Cindy, you're a legend.

  29. WOOHOO! Enjoy the holiday and enjoy the moment of "almost" being published.

  30. I can hardly wait for your book to come out. I would so like to take one of your classes, but since I live on the opposite coast it will never happen. So I'm looking forward to your book as the next best thing.

  31. The book looks AMAZING! I'm so excited to see the book, it looks absolutely beautiful!

    Cannot wait to see the coat, I'm sure it'll be amazing.

  32. Yea for the book! Hope you enjoy your mini. Just going to whip up a bog coat this week.

  33. Ohhh so exciting!! Can't wait for it to come out, I'm sure it will be gorgeous!!

    Working hard on my pattern making work this week and possible finish a muslin for a winter dress I'm making from a original vintage. Bodice shows a need for alterations, need to complete now and see what needs done.

  34. Wow looks great! Look forward to it coming out! We are celebrating thanksgiving here in Australia too this weekend. Quite hard to find a turkey, might have to go with chicken!

  35. The book looks fantastic! I'm loving the black, white and red illustration sneak peek! And the name is just what it should be!

    I hope you have a great mini-break. We don't celebrate Thanksgiving here in the UK but the 24th is my birthday and this year I turn 30 so hopefully I'll be having a little celebration with some friends at the weekend. I'll also be pulling names out of the hat for the giveaway on my blog! And finishing a beignet and a number of other sewing projects...

  36. Congrats on being a step closer to the finished book. You can count me as one of the many who can't wait to own a copy. Happy Thanksgiving.

  37. Oh,oh,oh...! The book teaser makes it look fab :) Enjoy your break with Jeff.

    +1 more re: releasing your book in the UK please!

  38. Have a nice time, with your Thanksgiving & romantic getaway. They're both very important! Your book looks fab; can hardly wait to see the finished product. :-)

  39. The book looks great! Happy editing, and enjoy your much deserved romantic get away.

  40. Good news, readers! My editor just e-mailed me to let me know that the book will definitely be available in the UK. And there will be metric conversions as well, woo hoo!

    Thanks for all your lovely comments, as usual. :)

  41. Congratulations on the boo! I cannot wait to read and enjoy and learn a thing or two! Best wishes!

  42. Ooh, can't wait. Burdastyle, Colette and now your book. Ooh, this is going to be a great year!

    And when did you change your picture? I just noticed.... sorry not to observant I guess. Really cute.

  43. From this little photo your book looks really so interesting. I'm sure it will be full of inspiration!
    Happy Thanksgiving!

  44. Can we pre-order on Amazon yet? So excited for you! Have a lovely time with your sweetie and Happy Thanksgiving. I'm thankful for the time and effort, and seriously, loving care that you put into all your posts.

  45. Hey Gertie,

    How thrilling is it that your book is just about to be born! Hats off for all your hard work. You are quite the Superwoman.

    This week I've gone back to looking for a JOB after several months of blissful freedom. I've been working on these cute zippered fabric baggies for storing and organizing my sewing stuff. Although they got off to a sad start, I am upgrading them and will eventually post the pattern/tutorial. I've also taken a private lesson on how to photograph the stuff I sew - it's been really helpful.

    Enjoy your romantic mini-vacation and Thanksgiving holiday. Can't wait to see your book!


  46. Oh oh i never even thort of that! Will it be released in the uk? I have just finnished my bomshell dress and need some Gertie projects to keep me inspired :-)

  47. looks very exciting, can't wait to own it! great job, Gretchen!

  48. Yay for the book! Congrats!!

  49. Hooray for Cindy and your book! Happy Holidays to all.

  50. Gertie - please let us know when this is to be published. I have already informed my husband that he will be purchasing it for me. :)

  51. Can't wait to read your book Gertie! I'll be buying it from the US online, as I'm sure you won't be releasing it here in little ol' New Zealand ;-)

  52. Yes! Please let us know when we can get your book!

  53. Ok, I already said I'm excited to see the book, and it is looking fabulous, but I have a question. Can we pre-order it somewhere?
    I'd really like to put it on my Christmas list, but I'm guessing it won't be out in time, or will it?

  54. Oh, Fall 2012, duh! I'm really jumping the gun, here, huh? I've just been asked to make my list, and I was overly optimistic...

  55. I am sooo excited for the book! I'm glad I wasn't the only one hoping for a pre-order option :P

  56. Congratulations!
    I look forward to your book!
    May be purchased in Argentina?
    Thank tou!!!!
    Sorry to use a translator

  57. So exciting to see the book coming together. I will be saving a spot for it on my book shelf.

  58. Wow this is the sewing book I've been pining for. I really wanted something that would discuss these topics specifically! I will buy it as soon as it comes out.

  59. I don't know you, but want to give you a pat on your back for the effort your putting into your book. Very good.

  60. very much looking forward to your book! have only just discovered your site and love your style and way and as i am a self taught sewer am learning so much from you, thank you. in time when i have money to spare will definatly sign up for your classes which at that price are a steal! so looking forward to your book and as with all sewing instruction books will have to special order from US to australia, but your worth it! hopefully you have a section on when you drape a material over your manequin at home to see what that piece of material would look best as, and then you want to somehow turn that creation into a flat pattern to then make it back into the dress etc you just created on the dress form! hehehe but im sure youve had many diff ideas thrown your way! ta for you site its helpful and very you at the same time!

  61. Looks like it will be a great book to have in the sewing library! Will def buy it....Even tho I have been sewing for 35+ I have picked up some good tips from your blog

  62. Congratulations!! I will certainly purchase a copy of this once it releases. How exciting. :D

  63. Hi Gertie, I now that it's an old post but please tell me your book be released in Spain, I hope it. Wen we can buy it. Thanks for inspiring

  64. I think this book will be awesome, but when does it come out? I'd even settle for being able to preorder it somewhere. . . Yay for a new sewing book! :)


Thanks for your comments; I read each and every one! xo Gertie

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