Sunday, June 27, 2010

Giveaway Winners!

Hello, and happy Sunday, all! There were a record 648 entries into my Blogiversary Giveaway. Wow! I wish I could give all of you a little prize, but alas, only two could win $25 Colette Patterns gift certificates. I drew numbers this morning and without further ado, they are . . .

woolcat and Florence Ann! (Ironically they both seem to be knitters primarily. I hope we can pull them over to the dark side of sewing with their prizes. Bwa ha ha.) Ladies, e-mail me to claim your prizes, okay?

Thanks to all who entered and made the giveaway a raging success! Don't worry, there will be more goodies in the future.

Now, I'm off to sweat my way through an hour and 15 minutes of yoga in a studio with no a/c. (But classes are $5!) Any Astorians in the house? I need a yoga buddy!


  1. I'd be willing to sweat for $5, too.

    Congrats to the winners. Ladies, now you HAVE to start sewing.


  2. Being a knitter and crocheter myself with almost no sewing skills, maybe you could do a post for us beginning sewers, Gertie. I love reading about your projects, but have no idea where I would start myself if I wanted to begin sewing. Just choosing a good sewing machine seems to be a big enough hurdle that I sit here and lurk at your blog and take no steps to get started myself. A few words on fabric that is well-behaved for beginners, and some good first projects to try so we would learn some basic skills would also be welcome.

  3. Ooh congrats to you both! Ive just started Bikram yoga which is done in a 38 or 40 (can't remember degree (celcius*) room. oh so hot! but its winter so its quite nice to be out of the cold! If I was closer I'd join you :-D

  4. congratulations to the winners! How could they not be inspired to sew after reading a few of your posts? Even a simple Apron is OOOH so vintage!

  5. Me?? Really?? WOW! I never win stuff! Thank you so much!

    I've actually been sewing (much) longer than I have been knitting - but I have a four year old and in the last little while having a project I can take to the playground is nice.

    Also, if I mess up my knitting I can just take it apart and start again but once you've cut fabric, you can't tape it back together, right?

    But like other commenters have said - you are certainly inspiring me to find some more sewing time, and to try my hand at some vintage stuff. (I have a 1952 mail order dress pattern that came from my birth grandmother that I really have to try).

    Thanks again!

  6. Oh wow! I completely forgot to check in earlier today to see who the winners are. I'm so excited!!!

    Yes, I am an avid knitter, but I recently invested in a new babylock machine, and retired my old, old, old kenmore and I've been sewing like a maniac ever since. Just finishing up the Coffee Date dress from Burdastyle tonight for my first trip to NYC on Wednesday.

    Thanks Gertie and Colette Patterns!


Thanks for your comments; I read each and every one! xo Gertie

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