Monday, July 13, 2009

Rompers: Yea or Nay?

The subject of rompers is one that seems to always inspire a passionate response. Women either love them or hate them.

The naysayers proclaim that rompers are juvenile and make it too difficult to use the powder room. I'm a lover of rompers, and I proclaim that they are adorable, retro, and--with the right closures--make it no harder to disemrobe than a pair of pants.

Here's one I made last summer, from the vintage pattern above, which I bought from this lovely Etsy seller. It was inspired by a Betsey Johnson design. I'll definitely be making another one this summer, from the same pattern.

I've also noticed a plethora of rompers for sale at Anthropologie this season. (I have a fatal addiction to Anthro, but since I've been sewing so much, I've defintely reduced the amount of money I give them!)

Just look at this beauty:
Now look at the price tag: $228! Holy smokes. I will definitely be stealing inspiration from this one, though. I love the sweetheart neckline, halter straps, and full shorts.

Here's another gem, at $188:

I'm not usually into pants-style rompers, but this has a very Rosie the Riveter look to me, in a luxurious way (if that makes any sense). I'd like to make a similar one from this Decades of Style pattern:

Now, what say you to rompers: yay or nay?


  1. I like them and think they look great on the right figure, unfortunately on my figure I would look like a barrel with legs so I don't make them!

    I have an addiction to 'scooter dress' patterns though, maybe because of the longer 'skirt' they work better for me!

  2. I say Yay. Making my daughter one later this month.

  3. i love them but don't have the figure to wear them. if i ever magically lost the lbs then I would hightail it to the Decadence of Style site to buy the pattern! very cute.

  4. I think you could rock a romper.

  5. No way, no how. My mom dressed me in those when I was, like 3 years old. I am not a fan of the "skort/splitskirt/pantskirt" style at all, so attaching a top to it doesn't make me want to wear it. I also don't think they work on adults - I have the body type that in theory can pull off this look and I think I just look silly in them. Of course I also have a rather strong aversion to jumpsuits and footie pajamas, so maybe I have issues.

  6. I say YEA. I have a true hourglass figure and I love them. I hate shorts but rompers feel cute and comfortable for me- I just go with the whole retro thing and put on makeup so I dont feel like Im 6.

    I think you would look adorable. In fact, one of the things that spurred me on to sew was that I wanted to make rompers, so I am dying to see all your results!

  7. The problem with rompers is the female anatomy, specifically, how is one supposed to use the toilet without either a)using a funnel or b)taking the whole thing off? Just askin'...

  8. 'Romper' and 'jumper' are such infantile words. I reckon that's the main issue for me! If you call them 'overalls' and 'pinafore' respectively, like we Australians do, I think they're perfectly acceptable.

    Did Rosie the Riveter wear rompers? NO. She wore overalls.

  9. In the retro style, I say Yay! But, as I'm sure you've seen, the new style "jumpsuits" are just horrid on everyone. But, I love the shapes you're proposing.

  10. I love the idea of them, but really think if I tried wearing one I'd look far too hippy and wide.
    Ah well, I'll just spend the summer being ridiculously jealous of all the other girls in theirs!

  11. I LOVE THEM! I'm looking for a pattern now to make my own. I know it may seem late in the season for this, but I live in Memphis and it will be warm here for a while. I've never sewn anything before and I've been wanting one for a while, so I figured why not this be the first thing I make? Do you have any patterns?


Thanks for your comments; I read each and every one! xo Gertie

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