About Me

I'm a sewing enthusiast in Beacon, New York, with a love of all things retro. This site is all about tutorials, tips, inspiration, and lots of spirited discussion about sewing as it relates to fashion history, pop culture, body image, and gender. My first book, Gertie's New Book for Better Sewing, is now out from STC Craft/Melanie Falick Books, an imprint of Abrams. Also look for my line "Patterns by Gertie" from Butterick.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Hi I'm grace, I'm 14 years old. I've recently started to hand make some classic vintage 60's dresses, and hopefully soon I can start a small business and sell them. Im aiming for a retro themed store, with mixtures of eras. I came across your blog and fell in love and was wondering if you could maybe give me some tips, suggest some helpful websites and just advice in general
    Love grace xx

  3. Hi Gertie's, I love your style...

  4. Just got my Butterick Pattern Catalog in my email! Your patterns are absolutely awesome and in my cart to purchase! You are amazing! Thanks for sharing your talent with us!

  5. Love your new patterns for fall. Will definitely have to try them out. Is the wrap dress slit in the back supposed to open as it does on the model or is it more closed? Just curious.

  6. Gertie --

    Have you seen this? http://55thousanddresses.com/

    A man who has bought his wife over 55 thousand dresses since he first met her (now they are in in their 70's) --- is selling them. Thousands of dresses from the 40's and 50's.

    Just the fabric alone must be fabulous.

  7. Hi, love your work! Just want to ask that you not get any thinner. You look so cute, but every photo it seems as though you have lost more weight. Obviously not really my 'bees wax' but healthy slim seems terrific and you look fantastic now. Thanks and really looking forward to your upcoming book!

  8. Hi Gertie,
    I have been visiting your blog for a while now and I just love it! I've been learning to sew the last year and a half and you have been a constant source of inspiration :) Keep it up!

  9. Hi Gertie,I love all your work, I wonder if you could let me know where I could get the pattern for the red rose patterned dress you were wearing in your Craftsy class. Thanks Tunde

  10. Hi Gertie! I *just* found out about you and instantly went and bought your book. I love that you included a collection of patterns, it's a great supplement to my collection. Even with my many years of experience I am learning lots of new things - measuring from the high bust?!!! I finally feel like someone else *gets me*. Thanks soul sister!

  11. Hi Gertie! I want to tell you that I love your work, especially your dresses. I would like to know your opinion about seamstress training. I started to sew 6 years ago and the last 2 I sewn about 1 project/week and now I want to make a living with my passion. Do you think that I should get a diploma before starting my business?

  12. I'm just starting out, and I have apparantly acquired a rare pattern. The only online reference I can find is http://www.worthpoint.com/worthopedia/vintage-50s-s-4918-party-dress-sewing-pattern-10 but it doesn't include a picture. Suggestions for what I should do with it? (Simplicity 4918. It is not either of the ones listed on the vintage pattern wiki. It's for teens and the original price was $0.35)

  13. Hi Gertie, is there actually a date set when your next book will be published? Thanks.

  14. Hello Gertie - I've been reading your blog for a few years, and got lots of inspiration and practical know-how for various projects.
    I want to make a jacket for cool summer days and have looked for ages for a suitable pattern. I like your Butterick jacket (with skirt) but would prefer a more modern style.
    Could you "please " choose a suitable pattern, and maybe even guide through the project?

  15. Hey gertie, i just visited your Blog right now and totally felt in Love with it! I love retro and your style and hair is lovely ♥ I learn a lot of new things here and get a infusion of ideas- Thanks so much! Nephtyis

  16. Happy days downunder in Australia, just ordered both Gertie Books and watching how to make a bombshell dress on craftsy.

  17. Hello Gertie!
    I have purchased your pattern for the retro swimsuit. I love the style but now I have a great problem, where do I find the proper fabric? That is a fabric that is not supershiny and in a neon colour. What would you use?

  18. Hey! Have you ever made a peplum jacket like John Galliano for Dior FW 2007, with the bottom part standing out? I'm trying to figure out how it stands like that. If you have any suggestions, please let me know.

  19. I've been sewing over fifty years but I can still learn from reading your commentary. Thank you for your wonderful instructions and observations.


Thanks for your comments; I read each and every one! xo Gertie

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