
Thursday, October 16, 2014

Sheep & Wool Festival This Weekend!

I'm signing books at the Sheep & Wool Festival in Rhinebeck this weekend! Though they might as well call it the Angora Bunny Festival, because I lose interest in all other things when I see one. It will be a miracle if I don't go home with one sooner or later.

I'll be in the author signing area from 12:00 to 2:00 on Saturday signing copies of Gertie Sews Vintage Casual. Hope to see you there!


  1. As a shepherdess, making the jump from sheep to angoras was NOT a hard one! They put a spell on you! Have fun at the Festival!

  2. Have fun at Rhinebeck. One of the best places have fun with fiber.

  3. Fun times! We have a sheep and wool fest in Wisconsin that I haven't gotten to in a few years, but I discovered my favorite indie yarn dyer there: Briar Rose Fibers. Check out their yarn if you have time; it's gorgeous!

  4. I won't be at your wool fest - but I was at the Kendal Wool Fest (Cumbria, England) last year (not sure if I may have missed it this year).

  5. Awesome! I'm headed out there today (I have a trunk show on Friday evening at the Garden Plaza Hotel) and now I know to pack my book before I leave! See you Saturday :) :)

  6. oh my goodness I am so obsessed with angora bunnies. I was sure I would have one one day, until I met a lady who had a few and told me they were the smelliest pets ever. But sooooo soft.

  7. Did she ever announce the winner of her book giveaway? ?

  8. Great meeting you on Saturday! Also it would be completely understandable if you were to go home with an Angora bunny. I've been very tempted to myself on many an occasion…

  9. See nice to meet you! You inspired me to start sewing again....I can still spin and knit....


Thanks for your comments; I read each and every one! xo Gertie