
Friday, January 31, 2014

Palm Springs, Purple Hair

Hello, lovely readers! I'm in Palm Springs soaking up some much needed Vitamin D. I'm guest teaching at Heather Ross's weekend sewing workshop starting tonight. Today, however, is all about relaxing!

Oh, and I changed my hair a wee bit.

Purple! This is the result of Manic Panic's Rockabilly Blue blended with my existing pink. It kind of has three tones: purple, pink-violet, and blue. It's a nice change.

I'm wearing a new swimsuit by the famed Esther Williams. I've been researching and examining swimsuits a lot lately . . . can you guess why? More details and hints to come this summer.

I've also got a sew-along in the works for one of my new Butterick patterns. I was thinking about starting with the stretch slip, since fabric choice and knit construction requires a bit of extra knowledge and planning. More to come next week.

Look at this sky!


  1. I love the hair!! Enjoy your weekend!

  2. I love your hair color. I think it looks so awesome on you. Have a fun time.

  3. your hair is amazing! it really suits you!

  4. Oh I hope the research is for new swimsuit patter please oh please oh please

  5. Cute! I saw the mountains in the distance and thought...I call shenanigans! That's not Florida! Until I realized it was California. Oh Friday...where has my brain gone?

  6. OOOOooo! It's amazing! LOVE. And, that gingham is FAB!!!

  7. Oh yes please for the sewalong! I bought your pattern, but have put off making it since I don't know much about stretch lace trim and haven't bought any yet. Also, your hair is beautiful!

  8. Fun look! I'm planning on sewing up your panties pattern this weekend. Fingers crossed I pick the right size. I typically wear a 14 plus hips. I'll have to see how it turns out.

  9. i would be so in love with you (more than i already am i mean) if you did a swimsuit pattern and tutorial for adding underwire. i have 32DDD chest that isn't exactly 'perky' and non underwired swimsuits make me want walk around in a parka. sadly even the most expensive underwired suits only go up to a D cup and trying to figure out how to add an underwire in a stretch fabric is scary and intimidating. please please please include an underwire option!!!!! also i LOVE the color variations in your hair, much more interesting than a flat purple would be!

    1. I second the request for an underwired swim suit for the busty set - and also the purple. (I think it suits you far more than the pink did)

    2. Me too!! Yes yes yes!!

      SarahR & Allison: Athleta has swimwear that goes to DD, I'm a 36DDD and the 38DD one piece fit me amazingly well!

    3. Sarah, has underwire bathing suits in a huge array of sizes. I snagged one last year (a 32FF) for $18! Be sure to check out the outlet section and sign up for coupons in your email. I buy nearly all my bras there too.

    4. i've ordered bras from figleaves before, but didn't realize they had swimsuits! thank you!

  10. Love the hair. every time I see a photo of you I decide I'm going to chop mine off and get it a crazy colour again, but then remember it grows too fast and I don't have the funds for maintaining it. Also, the slip sew along sounds great!

  11. I love the hair! That's the colour I always wanted to dye it when I was about 17 - but never got round to it, and now I have to look all professional-like I've missed the boat. So I'm going to do it when I'm old.

  12. You are so pretty -- loved your pink hair, never thought I'd like you to change it, but I think purple is even better!

  13. The purple is extremely flattering, much more so than the pink- love the shades! Lookin' forward to the results of your Esther Williams research- have a great weekend! :)

    - Heather, the Real Leopardstripes

  14. /gasp - my favorite color!! And it looks wonderful on you!! LOVE IT

  15. I LOVED the pink hair but looking at it now…I REALLY LOVE the purple! It is delightful!!!

  16. You're here!! Darn! I wish I had known, I would have made every effort to get into that workshop! You're amazing! Hope you enjoy the California weather!

  17. Oh, I love the colors of your hair!!

  18. LOVE the purple! It looks so great on you! ♥

  19. Love the purple!! It's really nice with your skin.

  20. Love the hair! Soak up that sun cause more snow is apparently heading for the east coast yet again! Which also equals sewing room time for me! so I don't mind the snow too much!LOL

  21. Love the hair, esp with the different tones.

  22. Drat! You're about 25 minutes from where I live. I wish I would have known!!

  23. Oh my god, you look awesome! The purple and gingham together are a dream. Is there a swimsuit pattern coming soon? Yes please!

  24. Love, love, LOVE your hair!!! Love the color variety, love the length, love the style!!
    With all the winter freeze on the East Coast I'm glad you could come out to Cali. :)

  25. Pink was good, but I think the purple is much more flattering to your skin tone!

  26. Nice, great colour an the different tones are really cool. I recently went with a light blue and have to say I really love the change. Can't wait for the sew along, really interested in any tips you have to share.

  27. The purple looks So Good with your eyes!!

  28. I liked the pink hair, but the purple looks absolutely AMAZING on you! All the tones make it extra fun!!!

    Vintage-style swimwear! PLEASE, PLEASE PLEASE!

  29. Oh, I absolutely LOVE the mixed purples/pinks on you so much more than the pink by itself. I think that purple really complements your skin tone and eye color and it packs more oomph - in a good way!

  30. LOVE IT!!!!! And even though I'm not a vintage type of gal I do love Esther Williams swimsuits. Can't wait!

  31. OMG! Twilight Sparkle hair now! LOVE IT! So jealous!

  32. YUP! That purple makes your eyes look amazing!

  33. I LOVE the purple. So much so that I had to comment on it! The pink was good too, but sometimes it could make you look a little grey-skinned (although that could have just been in the photos we saw).

    More power to you, and now DEFINITELY the possibility for pink AND purple hair all at once!

  34. Love the purple (says she who had had an ever growing purple streak for a few years now) -you might like to try Fudge Paintbox in Blueberry Hill. I found the Manic Panic just didn't last as well.

  35. purple is the way to go!

  36. As far as purple can be considered "natural", it does look natural on you! And also I love that swimsuit, I have the exact same one, same print and all... Only thing that's different is that mine is laying "unemployed" in my drawer... D: Damn you winter!

  37. crazy about the purple hair! somehow it seems more vibrant on you than the pink; maybe because it sets off your pretty face more.

  38. Don't rub it in its dark and miserable here in Scotland!!! Not even thinking about swimsuits!!

    1. Scotland is beautiful. But I have always lived in Southern California - and could never live anywhere else. (Although we are having a horrendous drought right now, so if you could send some rain our way, we would be most appreciative!)


  39. love Love LOVE the purple hair! Beautiful!! It sets your eyes and skin off much better than the pink. And enjoy Palm much fun!

  40. Love the hair!!!! Purple is the way to go!!!! And very jealous of that weather.

  41. I also have to chime in on the purple love. I've been looking for swim suit advice for the overly endowed and have no luck locally. Have fun in the warm sun!

  42. I love the purple hair! I had purple hair as a teen, so I know how fun it can be :)

  43. Wow! It looks amazing. Blue can be a bit difficult and make the face look pale grey, but you look very peachy :)
    I was thinking back and forth of buying rockabilly blue but decided to buy some clear red instead, it will not be such a huge change and then I can try the blue later when folks around gets used to my haircolour :)

  44. I can't believe I prefer the purple over the pink!

  45. Love that amazing colour!! The purple really suits you and sets of your eyes beautifully. I liked the pink, but purple wins it for me!!!

  46. Loving the hair....and that sky very envious enjoy!!!
    bestest daisy j x

  47. I'm giggling a bit. Recently I read where you were using a blend of 2 pinks for your color: the exact same 2 pinks I blend for the back half of mine (the front half is black). A few days ago I decided I was bored of the pink I've been doing the last 3 years so ordered a new color to do all of my hair: purple. It'll be lighter than yours... but still. At least we have different hairstyles, mine's a swing bob!

  48. It would be great if you designed a retro bathing suit pattern. I have made swim wear before, and it is fun. I made my own bathing suits for years, and bathing suits for my girls when they were young.(They're adults now, but still like it when I make things for them.) I love the purple hair. Purple is my favorite color, but my job doesn't allow me to dye my hair purple.

  49. I like you with all pink hair, but I like the purple too! I hope you're having a great time in Palm Springs and I'm excited for the projects you hinted at.

  50. I love the hair color! It goes so well with your skin color. I hope you consider keeping this color for a while. Maybe for summer change it back to pink then.

  51. I LOVE the purple. (I'm biased, I miss having blue hair, and purple is closer to blue!) I love how changing hair colour can make you (you as in everyone, not just you) look so different. I like all the ways!

    If you're suggesting what I think you're suggesting, can I add a request, too? A non-halter option! I'm a DD/E cup and look, those things weight like three kilos each. I already have neck problems, I can't deal with hanging that weight off of my neck. It's so uncomfortable! Pretty much every plus sized swimsuit comes with a halter top and it makes me want to cry.

  52. Would really love doing the slip with you. I never know what lace and elastic to use.

  53. I'd love a slip tutorial! They're so hard to find these days. I am among those, though, who would like some guidance in fabric selection. It seems that the few slips that are commercially available are made of matte jersey fabrics, which I find "grabby" rather than "slippy"--they serve the opacity function of a slip, but do not help with the function of making clothing lay smoothly and slide over the body rather than bunch. What would be the best fabric choices to achieve that slipperiness that would be compatible with the pattern?

  54. Have fun in the sun! And I REALLY like the new color. I like how the pink blended in.

  55. Yes, the purple really does go with your face and color a lot better than the pink!

  56. Loving the purple so much better than the pink. It really sets off your lovely complexion. You look very Alissa Milano in that middle pic. Pretty. :)

  57. Purple hair-much much better than the pink, complements your skin tone much more.

  58. Must say I love your blog!! And your purple hair, I used to have purple hair myself, too cool :D I have just started my own blog about remaking old clothes, check it out

    1. Oh, how interesting. I'm off to do a check out.

  59. This comment has been removed by the author.

  60. Love the hair! I loves me the manic panic too! Had a need to refresh in the new year and shaved my head. Haven't seen my true color for like 2 years! Love the suit, just picked up your latest Buttericks.

  61. Your purple hair is super HOT! I love it!

  62. Girl, your lipstick is kicking butt. I love it! The hair is a nice change. Thanks for the eye candy.

    But, back to that lipstick . . . it pops!!!!!

  63. Wow! It's fabulous :) I even like it even better than the pink version.

  64. Oh! I missed you by mere hours! Wish I'd known - I would've LOVED to participate in that "get together". The hair looks fantastic, BTW :)

  65. Palm Springs! I missed you by HOURS!! Wish that I'd known, I would've LOVED to have attended that event. The hair looks fantastic :)


Thanks for your comments; I read each and every one! xo Gertie