Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Fabrics for Sale in My Etsy Shop!

Hey, readers! I'm clearing out my fabric stash and passing the goodies on to you. Last year, I bought large quantities of some excellent floral prints and eyelets to make custom dresses. The custom dresses only happened for a brief time before I became too busy, so I've decided that I'm going to sell the fabric instead! After all, I know you all pretty well and you seem to like to make your own dresses.

I started listing yesterday and have already sold out of a few fabrics. But I have some great stuff left. One of my favorites is this large scale blue rose print, see photo above. OMG those watercolor roses!

This is a really pretty floral mesh, super light and airy.

Then we have this lovely pink Ascher vintage floral print!

I made a dress out of it last year.

A super fun bold daisy print, in a stretch cotton.

Here are some cotton eyelets, as well. Remember this dress I made a couple years ago?

I have the fabric for sale here.

Lastly, a really pretty spring green eyelet that I'm totally in love with and am hoarding--I mean saving--some yardage to make a sundress for myself.

Hope you enjoy these little fabric gems! They will all make lovely retro cotton dresses, just in time for sundress weather.


  1. I love that blue rose fabric.

    Hmmm... I don't think I have the space at the moment.

    Oh well, I'm sure someone will do something pretty awesome with it.

    Life of an Agnostic Sunday School Teacher

  2. I love the blue roses and the pink rose mesh, just perfect for so many things and I had to buy some :) It looks gorgeous - I'm so excited! Thank you for making this available :) http://loveellie.com/2013/05/28/im-sew-excited-gerties-new-blog-for-better-sewing-selling-off-fabric-in-her-etsy-shop/

  3. Happy to help you clear your stash - I love the graphic daisy print. So nice that it's prewashed, too :-). Now, back to my sewing for summer mission... Kate

  4. The blue rose print is amazing! Wish I was better at sewing...

    //Pia, http://www.stormsmagasin.dk

  5. You sewist divas are going to make meek seek employment yet. IF I had a job the pink fabric would be in MY stash. Oh wait, no, it would be on my body for I would sew it up in a heartbeat.

  6. Die blaue Rose ist mein Favorit. Die sieht traumhaft aus.


Thanks for your comments; I read each and every one! xo Gertie

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