
Monday, February 18, 2013

Book #2: Gertie Sews Vintage Casual

Fun news today, readers! Since publishing my first book last year, I'm not wasting any time to do a couple more. My fabulous publisher has signed me up for TWO more books, yay! The next one is coming out in fall 2014 (which sounds far away, but is scarily close) and will focus on the theme of "vintage casual." I'm in the thick of writing and designing the patterns for it now, so I thought I'd share a bit of my research and process with you.

When I was planning the first book, many of you asked for a pattern for pants (better known as trousers, for those of you of the British persuasion). I wanted to comply, but came to the realization that a pant pattern would pull me too far from the couture theme of the first book, and require a lot of extra content (fitting, for instance) that I hadn't planned on. Caroline, my genius agent, suggested saving that trouser pattern for another book, and perhaps even focusing on casual clothing exclusively. I loved the idea. So here I am, writing it.

It's the perfect timing too, since my life has gotten decidedly more casual since writing my first book. But I still want to wear cute vintage stuff! So I'm designing a bunch of patterns that are easy and comfy to wear, while still maintaing a retro vibe. Not necessarily just pants, either! I'm talking skirts and dresses that are more at home at a picnic than a cocktail party.

Without giving too much away, I wanted to share a few of my main inspirations.

Rosie the Riveter is essential to the spirit of the book. Never has vintage casual looked so badass.

If I were to choose one inspirational designer, it would be Claire McCardell. Her cotton dresses and easy separates were revolutionary in their time.

And, of course, my thoughts keep gravitating toward Katherine Hepburn.

Did you know she had 30 pairs of beige garbardine trousers in her wardrobe at the time of her death? I've never been a huge fan of beige pants, but perhaps I need to reconsider.

Another huge inspiration is coordinate wardrobes. Don't you love this type of vintage pattern?

That's pretty much all I can give away at the moment. I hope you are as excited as I am about this! More to come, of course.


  1. That vintage cotton check dress is to die for! If only I had the waist to carry it off!

    1. I am officially insanely excited.

  2. I can't wait to see what you come up with! I love that playsuit with the crop top, that would be so fun for summer.

  3. Oh dear I cannot wait for this one! I'm wearing your pencil skirt right now - Perfect!

  4. Yay! I can't wait ! I will for sure be getting this book!

  5. How exciting & congrats on 2 more books!

    Thanks for the sneak-peek. :)

  6. Yep...excited! I've got two iterations of your shirtdress from the first book in my sewing queue! I hope you have loads of fun with this new project.

  7. I remember you mentioning this book when you spoke in Ann Arbor, I am looking forward to it! It's hard to find a retro pants pattern that fits well and doesn't look frumpy.

  8. Congratulations!! Two more books, that's so exciting! Vintage casual is a great idea. Best of luck as you get started!

  9. Very excited for the book...... Can it be fall 2014 now? Where'd I park that time machine?

  10. So excited, can wait for the book to hit Amazon here in the UK so I can order. Happy book writing!

  11. If I could wishlist it right now, I would! I'm so glad I got to go to the Sew L.A. event for your first book. It was the first sewing book I've ever gotten actually! Early Valentine's present from my man. :)

    Congrats on the good news!

  12. how exciting! i don't do much vintage (it looks all wrong on me!) but i still enjoy looking at it and making modern adaptions. i'm sure any book you write will end up on my shelf!

  13. oh!! congrats! and we will love you more and moreand more!!!!! xo, Giusy

  14. I will absolutely pre-order this book!!!! I can't think of any book topic that's more perfect for me than this! CAN'T WAIT for it to come out!!!

  15. Oh yes! And THANK you for a book for us casual vintage gals! I love the look of a cocktail dress as much as the next gal but I have much more of a backyard barbecue lifestyle. Can't WAIT for this book!!

  16. Congratulations! First you inspire me with your blog, then your book and now another 2?! I'll never stop sewing. Thanks and good luck!

  17. I can't wait for it!!
    Vintage casual is kind of "arrival point":classy,smart,cool...
    I'm trying to design my own patterns but... maybe,having yours would be great!!!

  18. That's great! I love dressing up, but practically speaking I need casual stuff too. I'm looking forward to it already!

  19. That is SO AWESOME!!! Congratulations!!

  20. I could use that book now. In a few weeks I'm off to sunnier places. But what is missing in my holiday wardrobe? Right, a matching stripey top and shorts. Thankfully my mum is making that. But I really wanted a button front skirt to match it. Just drafted the pattern. Never did that before and I hope I don't screw it up. Because I'm using,of course, vintage fabric. Did I mention I need to finish this before sunday afternoon and I work about 12 hours a day? I just hope I can pull this off. So with your book this would be less nuts.

  21. I LOVE the blue and red striped dress at the end. How cute! Can't wait for your next book Gertie!

  22. Congratulations on these two book deals! That sounds awesome!! Looking forward to your new book! All the best, Marlise

  23. Congratulations! One of my favourite retro looks is Lucille Ball in the skirted pants. Please consider that retro look, please!

  24. I have to say I actually screamed in delight when reading this post's title. Casual vintage? YES YES YES! I too would like to venture into making more everyday clothing while keeping a vintage aesthetic. Can't wait to put my hands on this new book.

  25. Katherine Hepburn, so extraordinarily, utterly fabulous. I need to buy me some penny loafers! Also, soooo excited for your new book and happy I'll have enough time to get through the patterns in the first before its released ;)

  26. WAHOO! I am so excited for you ... and for us! I absolutely love the first book and I am really looking forward to the next two, especially the casual vintage. :D You've really demystified tailoring for me and for that I am eternally grateful.


  27. I can´t wait, just preorderd your book in german, it shall be deliverd the end of march!

  28. I'd love to see traveling clothes with a Vintage vibe!! What do I pack for a cruise??? Two weeks in Israel? Museum sightseeing in Russia or Europe?? A week at the beach? I can't go visit my niece in St. Louis, MO, for the week-end, without major wardrobe panic setting in.

  29. Yes oh yes, this is the best idea. I think especially the co-ordinates idea. Can we request some really good fitting tips for trousers, they are a bit tricky I understand.

  30. Congrats! I didn't really see the request for ideas, however, never one to be at a loss for an idea or two: in addition to pants, I'd love to see that Chemise dress and and and a camp shirt sort of thing. Both very vintage, I'd think.

  31. That sounds so fun. I've held off on the first book bc it doesn't really fit my lifestyle but I will be holding my breath for this one.

  32. Congratulations! I'm not so much for casual - but hip hip hooray for a new book from you!

  33. love love love your first book!! and now very excited for book two (and three!)

  34. Oh, I am so excited! And I don't even know how to sew that well. But I am continually inspired by this blog to get the knowledge. Plus, that vintage gingham dress is just....unbelievably cute.

  35. So, so exciting to hear, congratulations!

    I've had an enforced sewing break because of studies and moving house, but I'm looking forward to taking it up again - your pencil skirt is next on my list :)

    By the way, I dream of translating your book(s) to Swedish. Vintage and sewing are really popular here as well, but we really could do with some more books on the subject in Swedish. Do you know if any translations of your books are in the works as of now, or is it perhaps time I started plotting? :)

  36. This comment has been removed by the author.

  37. Big congrats on the books Gertie, that's fab news :)

  38. This comment has been removed by the author.

  39. Please add a swimsuit-pattern in your next book. With good instruction and pattern for 48"-bust! Really like your book!

  40. SO exciting! Possibly even more so than your first book, at least where my wardrobe is concerned :D

  41. I am VERY excited. The things I want to be able to sew most are more casual items and pants. Dresses in stores and dress patterns are a dime a dozen-- and I don't even like wearing dresses!

  42. So, what you're saying is I have a little time to sew through the first book before I giddily pre-order the second? Awesome.

  43. YES!!!!!! SUPER excited for this!! Can't wait!

  44. I am so so so excited to hear this -- I can't wait for it and the topic is awesome. I really love your first book and refer to it all the time. I made the bow tie blouse recently and plan on making many more of the projects:

  45. Oh Gretchen, that's wonderful news - congratulations! I adore your first book, but vintage casual sounds even more appealing. I'd love to channel Dorothy Malone in Written on the Wind. Really looking forward to hearing more about it. Wishing you lots of luck with the writing. x

  46. That's fantastic news, Gertie! For you and for us!

  47. Congratulations on the two book deal!! Now I know how much time I have to sew through your first book. I'd better get crackin'. :)

  48. I so can't wait for your new book. I love the first one and I need more casual clothes :)

  49. I finally made it through your blog since the beginning (and feel that I can officially make a comment!), bought your book over a month ago, and look forward to the next!

  50. I'm really excited for this, since I, too, want to be able to dress vintage and yet have my clothing be casual enough to take my kids to the playground. The best part is that by the time your book comes out, I'll have had my (last) baby and maybe even have gotten back to the size I want to be.

  51. This is amazing news! I love your designs, but have a hard time fitting them into my life. This may be just what I need. Thank you in advance!

  52. I am so excited!!!! Expecially for the Claire McCardell dress!

  53. Congratulations! I've been following for almost a year but just recently finished reading all your posts from the beginning!
    Claire McCardell is one of my favorites as well and I do tend to live in pants. I'm looking forward to some nice vintagey pants patterns! Please include some tips for us tall girls!

  54. Fantastic news and thanks so much for sharing! I love your first book, but this second one sounds excellent too!

  55. Jumping up and down. You can definitely count on a sale from me. I spend most of days in casual clothing; so this is perfect. A playsuit and swim suit would be great additions. I love Claire McCardell and Katheryn Hepburn; so this is doubly exciting.

  56. love it! (especially the bit about the genius agent ;-) )

  57. The style of the skirt with the shorts or romper underneath needs to come back asap. Maybe you can start a new trend? I absolutely love it. I would wear more skirts if I had matching shorts. I need to get on ebay and find some vintage patterns...

  58. That's awesome! I can't wait to see what you come up with.

  59. Very cool, Gertie! I'm excited to see what you dream up. :) --Amanda

  60. I am dying over that last pattern! Do you have the maker and number for it?

  61. Wow, congrats on the new endeavor Gertie! This will be a treat. I'm more excited for this book than your first, if that could even be possible! Probably because my life is decidedly more casual than cocktail party fabulous.

  62. I am really thrilled to hear about this! I pre ordered your book and read it cover to cover, but I have yet to make a single pattern! As lovely as they are, I just don't have occasion to wear most of them and am much more in need of an every day, easy to care of wardrobe. I think it was logical to leave the pants for this topic. I hope you'll also discuss fabric selection and sourcing. That is my biggest hang up about venturing into pants. I want fabrics like I see in rtw, but have a hard time knowing where to get them. We don't all live in NYC! I should close by mentioning that your first book has taught me a lot a out garment construction and drafting and continues to be a reference with most projects, so it doesn't matter that I haven't made the patterns yet. The portrait blouse at least will happen this spring!

  63. I love your book (long time reader..first time commenter) I think it is a fantastic update of the vintage sewing books we all adore. I really loooove the idea of a vintage casual book..that is where my sewing heart I can't wait to see what you come up with.

  64. This is very exciting. Have you thought about making a Gertie version of the Hooverette?

  65. OMG I am so excited for your new book to come out! Something about casual strikes a realistic chord in my inner sewist. I love vintage style, but don't work in a job where I can wear the more dressy styles. Can't wait!

  66. This is great news! The sad part about real vintage casual is its a lot more fragile than the fancy stuff because it was worn much more often, if it has surived at all that is. So that's what got me started sewing in the first place. On weekends I live in my zip-sided scoop neck gingham tops and capri pants, and you can never have too many playsuit/skirt combos, like that boat-necked simplicity 'wardrobe' above. Congrats on the book! I'd say I can't wait for the patterns, but I haven't even started on the first ones yet...

  67. Yay! I have often puzzled over cute vintagy stuff to wear that's more casual. I really like the little peasant blouse style tops that were popular. I love the vintage pants idea! Maybe a shorts option to go with them?

  68. Sounds really exciting and HUGE!! Go you

  69. Sounds fabulous! Can't wait to add this to my library.

  70. Wow, that's sounds really great! I'm going to have to buy this book for sure!

  71. Congratulations! This is great news! I can't wait to learn more about it, casual vintage sounds great (but you're right, the autumn of 2014 seems horribly far for us readers). I'm not that interested in pants (I have very specific taste in pants and it's doesn't include 50s inspired ones) so I'm curious to see what other pieces there will be.

  72. Congratulations on your book deal! Two more books, that's great! I'm sure the vintage casual will be a lovely complement to the first book.

  73. oh this sounds perfect, vintage casual sounds ideal, I am forever on the hunt for a great palazzo style trouser or something like the audrey tautou trousers she wore in the chanel advert and don't get me started on the search for tops patterns. I used to wear a lot of 50s style dresses, but since starting working from home everyday, they've just seemed too dressed up for my office (read little desk in corner of spare room/dumping ground) I can't wait to see what designs you come up with!

  74. Congratulations on your new book deal! I've only just purchased your last book - yeah I know, really slack, hey, and I love it. So I'm really excited about and can't wait for one on casual vintage - so perfect for me.

  75. That's good news! I was wondering what have you been up too, not posting as much as usual.. And that's a great reason!! Now I am dying to know what's the other one.. Is it lingerie..?

  76. Now that's some great news! Looking forward to it already!!! Liz

  77. Lucille Ball used to wear gorgeous clothes on her show I Love Lucy. Some of the pictures in your post today reminded me of what a fabulous dresser Lucy was.

  78. Oh my stars! I am so excited I can hardly breathe. Wait, that might be my wiggle dress. I am in love with the play suit with shorts. If at all possible, please allow us to preorder when the time comes. Thank you for such an amazing idea. I can't wait.

  79. Totally looking forward to your book! You're an inspiration to me!

  80. Ahhh! Such great news!! This one's right up my alley. ;) Rosie the Riveter is true inspiration (both in fashion and in life!). Can you please include a cute little pattern for her scarf? I know they're super easy, I just think it'd be the perfect little accessory for your book. :D

    Can't wait to pre-order!! Counting down already... :)

    xo ~ Amanda

  81. Love, love, love, love, love! Even though I have no time after having the twins last year, I still enjoy looking through your book. Cannot wait to see the next one. So happy for you.

  82. Oh, this sounds fantastic! So looking forward to it! Hmm, wondering if you will be including some detachable collars and cuffs...I've never made any, but have always been fascinated/amused by those vintage details.

  83. Love love love it! Go Gertie GO!

  84. That is very exciting! I hope you're designing a shirtdress!

  85. I already can not wait. I hope you include a nice car/camping coat!

  86. I love kathrine hepburn! so much that I wanted to name our daughter kate... but the duchess of windsor got married the year she was born. I didn't want to explain to everyone who we named her after. I can't wait to see more of the book ;)

  87. Oh this is SO exciting - can't wait for it to come out. And what a great idea for book #2!

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  89. I can't wait for book TWO! I'll cross my fingers that included in casual wear is a cute vintage bathingsuit.

  90. Thank you so much for writing this book, I just can't wait for it!I already have your first book and was already trying to think of some ways to "casualize" the patterns so they could be dressed down (e.g. I was thinking of making the Pencil Skirt in black corduroy to give it some sort of a "vintage school girl" vibe...)...but if you write one more book, only about casual vintage, it's even better!

  91. Yayy my lovely. Can't wait for it to come out, and hopefully get to meet you at a trade show again! Wonder what colour our hair will be lol xx

  92. I love this idea. Over the top dress, were great, but not for me. I could never pull of that look. I can wait to see and try some of these patterns.

  93. Uh, is it 2014 yet? I am so excited for this book!

  94. AAhhhh!! That first dress is just perfect! I want to wear it every day.

  95. I'm excited to see what you bring to vintage casual.I really love the last pattern shown, especially the stripes on the dress. Can you share the pattern number?

  96. Hi...Thanks for posting it and good ideas you have given for everyone...Please post more articles....Please visit

  97. Oh, love it! Am more of a casual vintage gal myself, so looking forward to this book!! :)

  98. YEAH, another book! I adore the first one. I can't wait.

  99. Can't wait for this! Looking forward to seeing the trousers and I especially hope for a pattern with the removable skirts! I absolutely adore vintage playsuits.

  100. i know 100 peeps have already commented, but can i just say how excited i would be by a casual vintage book?!?! it couldn't come out soon enough!

  101. Maybe it's because my waist is my least favorite body part, but I can't help but notice how so many of these patterns accent the waist. I know these are drawings, but how did they get the effect or illusion of being so "wasp waist"?? Did everyone wear waist cinchers and shoulder pads?

  102. Hi Gertie; I've search high & low for a pattern for the high-waisted slim trousers that the Italians call 'pantalone alle sigarette' (literally, cigarette pants). A little Audrey Hepburn in Roman Holiday, but full length rather than cropped. I'd love to see something like this in your next book. Thanks for the inspiration!

  103. hmmm Fall of 2014. That gives me just enough time to sew up all of the patterns in your first book. I have 3 down right now. :D ~Major Moma

  104. YAY! the world NEEDS casual vintage! There comes a time in ones life where the cocktail dress occasions are few and far between. Frankly I don't want to wear a halter while cleaning the house LOL.
    Can't wait to buy the new book when it comes out!


Thanks for your comments; I read each and every one! xo Gertie