Friday, July 20, 2012

A Sneak Peek Inside My Book!

Hi, readers! As promised, here's a little peek inside the pages of my book. I got my first copy recently and took a ton of photos for you. It's also viewable as a Flickr set here. A little reminder: the book comes out September first, and you can pre-order on Barnes & Noble, Amazon, Indie Bound, etc!

Okay, on to the pics:

The pattern envelope!

Title page.

Contents, etc.


Tailoring stuff.




Doesn't the Index look so official?

I hope you enjoyed this little peek. And, as always, thanks for reading!


  1. This has become much less of a sewing blog, and much more of an advertisement for your books and lessons. :(

    1. hear, hear. i'm very pleased for her but, really, i mean, my goodness.

    2. People develop and change, she is now deriving an income from her sewing and she loves it, why her personal blog which is centred on sewing cannot reflect that leaves me scratching my head, its what she is doing, she is blogging it. There are plenty of other blogs around that haven't developed like this one and are fluffing around with fuzzy photos of badly finished projects, maybe that's more your style. There are thousands, nobody forces anyone to read blogs. Trolling is just plain bad manners.

    3. Geez, what was the 5 part series on the corset if not about sewing! Maybe not your taste or mine but I still come here daily!!! I very much enjoyed the posts! Well all of her posts. Her's is the ONLY sewing blog I have on my bookmark toolbar, so I can get here quickly!

      I can't wait to see you at the Sewing Expo in Novi, Mi in September!

      Gertie ROCKS!!!

    4. Gertie's blog is about her sewing life and any work that evolves from it, whether that be classes or a book, belongs on the blog :)

    5. Thank you, ladies. The comments left on this post have totally reminded me why I do what I do--such amazing people in this sewing community! Thank you for your support.

    6. Perhaps if you weren't such a likeable sweetie you wouldn't have so many people leaping to defend you.

    7. We can't expect Gertie do keep a first class blog for all of us to enjoy and with frequent updates FOR FREE. I mean seriously, the woman has to earn a living, just like the rest of us. I am actually in awe of how much the woman does and I will be happy buying her products. Take her Craftsy courses, it is in fact good value for money considering how much you get and how expensive private lessons are.
      Gertie, I have already prebooked your book. Keep it coming!

    8. Scrap that (or do two sew-alongs...)! I have been keeping your absolutely awesome purple tweed dress in the back of my mind for ever (OK, since you posted it..). What a perfect project for autumn. Can't wait!! (Like in Black adder, if anyone has seem it: "Permission to say hurrah?")

  2. Oh, Gertie. I completely forgot about this book which I dutifully pre-ordered back some time. It is more wonderful than I ever imagined it would be. I already see two dresses and three skirts I want to make tomorrow. I was toying whether or not to order some beautiful red wool today. After seeing that pencil skirt, I'm already there! I CAN'T WAIT!!!!

  3. Argh... I feel like a child waiting for Christmas and counting down the days! Seriously, I am very excited for your book to arrive. So much information, lots of photos and diagrams, I am already certain this book will be well used.

  4. And, Ruth: There are so many sewing blogs out there. And, didn't Gertie just show in five posts how to make a corset? I don't understand how or why you would begrudge a fellow seamstress making a living -- or trying to -- by doing something she loved. If you were a film afficienado and visited a site by someone who struggled to make a film, would you be sad if they told you about their finished film? Isn't it a victory for all of us, when someone raises their craft to the level of publication?

    1. Very eloquently written, couldn't have said it better myself!

  5. It must be so cool to see yourself in your own book! -- Congrats!!

  6. Your book looks beautiful! Thanks for your wonderful and generous blog - I've learned so much from you. I'm giddy waiting until the release date!

  7. The book looks beautiful and unlike anything else out there - can't wait to get a copy!

  8. Off hand... is Henry seen in any of the pictures (besides the front cover?) He IS so stately and regal after all....

    1. Yes, he is! I've yet to count the Henry instances, but there are several. :) He's wearing a skirt muslin in one.

  9. LOVE!

    Based on this preview, I'd be willing to pay twice the price at which I've preordered your book.

    I can't wait to have your expertise in book form!

    (And LOVE LOVE LOVE that it's spiral bound and has a pocket for patterns.)

  10. Colleen: Thank you so much for your words of support. Seriously, thank you. It really means a lot to me.

  11. This looks amazing! I can't wait to get my hands on a copy. I really appreciate having a small preview.

  12. The illustrations and designs are to die for. I can't wait to get my (pre-ordered) copy. Well done Gretchen!
    And please don't listen to the whingers as we say in the UK.

  13. LolaLovesCraft

    SO EXCITED ABOUT THE BOOK! want to get my dirty mitts on a copy now!

  14. Fabulous! I can't wait to get my copy.x

  15. OMG, this looks AMAZING! Love the illustrations! They remind me of Garance Dore's style of drawing, which is divine. Can't wait to get my hands on it!!!

  16. It looks amazing! Whoever did your illustrations... just wow. I hope you saved some of the originals & have them framed because they are INCREDIBLE.

    Can't wait to get the real thing in my hands - the release can't come soon enough :) The patterns look fab!

  17. Wow, I can't believe how close September 1st is! I ordered back in April. I'm so excited! Oh, and Ruth, I've seen a few bloggers try to balance a book debut and a their blog poorly, and Gertie has done really well IMO.(and with a move into a new house) I'd rather her book be as awesome as it can be, and it's looking pretty awesome from the pics.

  18. Your blog has been a great source of inspiration for me and I am counting down the days to your book's release date. It looks fantabulous!

  19. Congratulations Gertie! This looks amazing--AND has something different to offer (pattern making, specifically) than a lot of the other books out there (which is not to say that the other books aren't good, it's just really awesome that you included something different/unique). Don't listen to the naysayers--many of us read your blog because it IS thrilling to see someone like us--sewist/sewer/seamstress/sewasaurus rex--who's not only doing this for fun, but for PROFIT. That's the dream, man; find something you love and feeds your creativity and actually be able to make a living off it! Plus, I think you've been MORE THAN GENEROUS with your knowledge even when you didn't have to. So thank you... now, off to pre-order this book!

  20. Wow Gertie, It looks fantastic. And I am also happy that it is spiral bound. I am sure that it will be a great success. Thanks for the pictures,

  21. It looks great! I have already pre-ordered.

  22. I'm with Colleen. Gertie has given SO much to the online sewing community worldwide(!) and it is her time to shine. Personally, I've been waiting with bated breath for these previews and am incredibly excited about the book. Well done, Gertie! So much love for you.xx

  23. It's extremely cool to see the progression from the early days of the blog to now and how you've succeeded into morphing your interest into your profession. I was your first advertiser and remember saying to my husband "just watch...she's going to publish a book. This is a talented lady." And now here it is!

    Congratulations on the culmination of all your hard work :D

  24. Thanks for the sneak peak Gertie, I'm so excited. And after seeing some of the contents, even more excited! I agree, the illustrations and styling of the book itself are really lovely. THANK YOU :)

  25. Where can I order this? Because I feel I will need it in my life [Not sure why I haven't thought so before..], the whole look of the book is really just awesome!

    Also; I don't understand where Ruth really gets the idea that your blog has become advertisement-central with no sewing content.

    You have to make a living, in the end, and if you make your living which is relevant to your blog following - why on earth would you NOT advertise?

    1. Hi Melody, you can pre-order on Amazon,, etc! Links at the top of the post.

  26. This is so exciting! I can't wait to get my hands on a copy of this. Will you be doing any sort of sew alongs for the patterns in the book? That would be fun! :]

    1. I would love to do a sew-along! Would you prefer a separate or a dress?

    2. I second the request for a sew-along - that would be amaaaaaziiiing!!! (Sorry, very excited!)

    3. Oh, yes please!! A pencil skirt with all the little pretty extras (do you do boning in pencil skirts? I have seen it on Threads and I love the idea; keeps the front looking perfect..). A pencil skirt is not a massive project and it can be done in so many ways, like red wool as fellow seamstress wrote above...

    4. As I did buy the red wool for the pencil skirt yesterday, I'd love love love a sewalong for the pencil skirt. I'm actually afraid of a very fitted skirt because it does have to be done well.

  27. I can't wait!

    The book looks more fantastic than I could ever imagine, you must feel so proud :) I love the illustrations, and your technique pictures look like they will be easy to follow :)

  28. I so love the style of the illustrations, wonderful!! Can't wait to get my hands on a copy :)

  29. Gertie,

    I've been a long time follower but not much of a commenter. I've been inspired by your blog for years, and now I am so, so excited for this book. It looks amazing! Congratulations for tackling and succeeding at such a huge venture!

  30. Oh Yeah, I wish I could get it now ... :)
    Are the patterns for the featured items included in the book, or just instructions? I will be making the Tiki Dress !!!
    ALOHA to me :)

    1. Yes, there are patterns in the book! The Tiki dress is a variation on the sundress pattern. You use the same bodice, and then I show you how to adapt the pencil skirt pattern to make the sarong-like drape.

  31. Wow, Gertie, I'm glad I pre-ordered! It looks like I'll have lots of great info and techniques in all the areas I'm wanting to learn more about. Finding your blog (2+ years ago now!) has really changed my life. Thank you and congratulations.

  32. Simply WOW! Your book looks amazing. I can't wait for 1st September now! I've just pre-ordered on Amazon UK. What a wonderful birthday present to myself this will be (my birthday being 2nd September).

  33. WOW! I think I have to pre-order it NOW ;D

    Oh, but I have a question: Don't know if you already mentioned somewhere, but what sizes will the patterns be (one-size or multi-size)?

  34. I thought I was most excited about the wiggle dress, but the coat dress looks just too awesome. I can't wait to get my copy of your book.

  35. Your projects look fantastic, I can't wait to buy this book. Great job.

  36. I am so excited for this book to come out. Gertie, well done! You've made a book that first of all "feels" like you (and that is a great thing), and I think a lot of people will be thrilled to have as a resource. It's beautiful, and I'm looking forward to not only make up lots of those yummy patterns, but most of all - learn from all the things you've gleaned from years of interest, study, and dedication. I am so proud of you Gertie, and a big fat CONGRATULATIONS! is in order.

    And a special thanks to Colleen for articulating such a tactful comment and response to Ruth, one that I wholeheartedly agree with.

  37. Absolutely love it. So glad I pre-ordered it and I can't wait till September rolls around. Fabulous job!!

  38. Oh wow... this looks like the sewing book of my dreams! All of the patterns look amazing :)

  39. Those pics have me salivating already. Can't wait for September!
    And Colleen, couldn't have said it better... Hurrah for Gertie and her new book!

  40. WOW!!! Those patterns are absolutely fantastic and it looks like there is a wealth of information that would help me augment my sewing skills. Pre-ordered the book and am very excited about it!!!

  41. Love that it is spiral bound so it can lay flat while you are sewing! I really want it! Congratulations!

  42. This looks so nice :) I hope I can order it after it is published, do you know if this will be available on international amazon-sites?

    By the way: I admire you for what you have achieved with your blog. I guess you're a kind of idol to me :)

  43. I love that you did the modeling yourself. It's lovely to see a real woman wearing these beautiful outfits. Congratulations!

  44. The more time I spend on blogs the more I learn. And even though I am not making a corset any time soon, I so enjoyed your recent posting. The book looks absolutely wonderful and I can't wait to get it. You have grown and worked so hard that I feel I actually know you through the blog. Poster #1 made a comment that rather set me back. Jealousy makes it face known in many forms, we have just met her. Pound salt chick. Great work Gretchen, The binding style is, of course, my favorite!!!

  45. My copy is pre ordered. I am so excited! It looks amazing.

  46. What sizes are the patterns?
    Can't find it anywhere ....

    1. Thank You !

      Lets see if i can pre order for holland than

  47. I got an Amazon gift card for my birthday. It is going straight towards your book!

  48. Congratulations! This looks amazing.

  49. Wow! I can't wait to hold this pretty in my hands! So great.

  50. Cool! I suggest it will not be translated into other languages...:( But anyway I'll buy it for my birthday. Congratulations on the release of the book from Czech republic!!

  51. It looks great. Cathy and I are awaiting its release with bated breath!

  52. GERTIE! Congrats lady! It looks AMAZING. Can't wait to get my dirty paws on my copy (are you including patterns for all those pieces! WOWOWOWOW!) And couldn't agree more with COlleen. Haters be damned - I want to know all about your bok. DOn't ever feel guilty about sharing this stuff with us.

  53. Looks amazing! I'm so excited to get my copy! :)

  54. Oh my goodness, you are all so sweet! Thank you so much! The book took well over a year to create, and these comments are making it all feel worth it!

    About sizing: the patterns are multi-sized, going from a 32" bust to 46". There are 9 patterns that each have at least one variation. For example, the Tiki Dress and Strapless Party Dress are both variations on the Sweetheart Sundress. I take you step-by-step through making the changes to achieve each style.

  55. the illustrations and photos look great! i will definitely be getting this book. i'm a little intimidated when it comes to sewing for myself, so hopefully i will learn some new tricks!

  56. Looks Gorgeous! I love the illustrations too.

    Regarding "advertising"- it's not like Gertie is trying to sell auto parts on a sewing blog. And if she wanted, she could- it's her blog.

    I for one have been waiting all week for these pictures.

  57. Sickofitcindy - I agree. It is her blog, she can advertise or do what she wants. After all, it is up to us if we want to read it - or buy - whatever.

    I am truly excited about the book, it looks like it will bring together information in one place in a way that my other books don't.

    Wishing the release date could be moved up.... but hey, my birthday is Sept 2, so I'm looking forward to a lovely birthday present! LOL!

  58. Wow, what a book! This book looks fantastic. The pictures, illustrations every thing is right on. The patterns are gorgeous. I can't wait to get this book. I must say..all the patterns scream for beautiful couture techniques. Thanks you for putting out this new sewing book.

  59. Can't wait for my copy to be delivered!

  60. Hi Gertie, love your blog and have read you nearly every day for 3 years you are inspirational and why not make some money out of what you have to teach- not that you do not continue in your genourosity of free advice - look at your corset posts. I think you have just the right level of give and take I salute you - can't wait to get my preordered book.

  61. I can't wait to get my copy! I pre-ordered right away and now after seeing the pictures I can't wait to read it. Thanks so much for all the information you so freely give us. I especially appreciate it as I am trying to get better at sewing.

  62. I'm so excited for you!! and super excited that I pre-ordered your book!! :)



  63. Super Excited... Already have it preordered on Amazon. Looks like a classic in the making...Great job Gertie!

  64. Wow! The book looks really thorough and detailed. I usually don't buy a lot of contemporary sewing books b/c they're usually just a lot of fluff, but I will probably be picking this one up. Thanks for the preview and I'm sure you will have much success with it.

  65. I pre-ordered the book a while ago, I was sure it would be great, just as anything else you do. I just wanted to add to all the other kind comments, that for me it's more then just any sewing book. It's has been a very personal journey for you, and whoever followed it, and It's really cool to feel like you know the person who has written your sewing book. Whatever the future holds for you Gertie, and I'm sure it's lots of great things, we will have this book - as a reminder of the exiting times when sewing got back in style, in a really cool and feminist way, and for some reason also had something to do with cats:) I love this personal touch. It's not just business or consumption, it's Gertchen's book! I am really grateful you took the time to do this blog and the book, cause it really looks like one of the best books ever written. I love your photos, and every single project. Shapo, Gertie, you can and should be proud.

    1. Aw thank you. Cats and feminism and sewing for the win!!!

  66. This comment has been removed by the author.

  67. ~SQUEAL!~ I am SO EXCITED to get my copy!!! I love EVERYTHING about this book! The illustrations of you (and Henry) are so awesome, the diagrams & instructions look wonderful, the pictures of you are gorgeous, and the patterns...OH, THE PATTERNS!!! You have put every style I could want in this book! Gertie, I think you have made the best sewing book of all time! =D

  68. Pre-ordered the book a while ago, and now I CAN'T wait for it to arrive! Well done! It must have been a herculean project. Lovely photos, illustrations, and from the little sneak peek I can hear your 'voice' in the text. Looking forward to this so much!

  69. Weeeee! What a great sneak peek! I can't wait to get my hot little hands on the book; it truly looks amazing!


  70. So beautiful! I absolutely love the illustrations, did you do them yourself? You are very talented.


    1. Oh no, the illustrations were done by an amazingly talented woman named Sun Young Park.

  71. I wasn't sure that I needed yet another sewing book, but now that I've seen some of what's inside... this one is a must have!

    Thanks for all the great info you share. I love your blog and am very happy for your success. :-)

  72. Thank you for posting pictures, this is just as good as browsing through the book at the bookstore! Putting it on my wishlist!!

  73. Looks terrific Gertie! I can't wait to get my hands on it!!!

  74. Massive congratulations Gertie, this is so very well deserved. I've had my copy pre-ordered for weeks, can't wait! And well said Colleen, you've articulated what we all think so well. x

  75. I've already ordered my copy, but. now I am even more excited. The illustrations are beautiful, and all of the garments look like they will be super fun to wear and make :).
    Congrats again!

  76. It's very generous of you to post so much of the book; it looks FABULOUS! I've had it on pre-order for a while and forgotten about it. It's a nice surprise to be reminded, and now I can't wait!!

    Good luck...I hope it sells by the ton!

  77. I can't believe I'm about to say this, but, I think I might even buy this brand new, AND full price! Aaaaaaaarggggg!!!
    (That's what they used to say in my brothers' comics when someone had a shock)

  78. Oh, Gretchen, I am SO excited for you!! The book is completely gorgeous, and looks just like you--what an amazing job, and totally worth all the work you've put into it. Can't wait to have a copy to flip through, and thrilled to see it out in the world!! Yay!!!

  79. YEE HAW!! The book looks just fabulous - detailed, thorough, and packed full of juicy information!! I am so excited, can't wait to order this sucker!! Also, please don't ever feel like you can't post about the great things you are doing, I think the majority of us love hearing about your successes. The posts about your sewing classes and book have been some of my favorite ones, and I find them so inspiring.

  80. Thank you so much for the peek inside! I ordered my copy a while ago and am so looking forward to getting the real thing!

  81. What a very attractive book. A lot of care and attention has gone into it and the end result is spectacular.I can't afford at the moment because am unemployed but it is definitely going in my wishlist. Hope the patterns will suit my 5ft 1" body lol

  82. I ha ve to wait until September?! No fair, I need it in my life NOW!! Can't wait fr the book to arrive. Congratulations Gertie

  83. I love the book. Even if I didn't make anything from it, it is the type of book I would take off my shelf every so often and hug. Don't worry I am also like this with beautifully photographed cook books and don't mention books on interior design, otherwise I will be drooling.

  84. Another loyal blog reader who pr-ordered your book as soon as that was available, knowing it would be awesome. Thoroughly excited now. Congrats!

  85. I cannot wait for your book. I have become rather disillusioned with patterns from the big 4. The styles are less than classy and the fit is awful. Just from these few glimpses I expect to have a new wardrobe by the end of 2013! My first sewing book was Couture Sewing Techniques by Claire Shaeffer purchases at the Metropolitan Museum of Art (I am an ex NYC girl). Perhaps an odd choice for a first book, but it gave me a love of not only well made clothes (that I learned from my Mother) but also a perfectly finished garment. I see your book standing side by side with Ms Shaeffer's. Congratulations and the best of luck!

  86. Can't wait for my copy to arrive, it looks fantastic, just like you! You are a true inspiration! Keep the great stuff coming!

  87. Congratulations, you should be very proud. It looks beautiful. I can't wait to pick it up.

  88. I just pre-ordered my copy - the book looks great, Gertie! I've been looking for a good fashion-sewing book and I'm very happy to support someone who is obviously passionate about her sewing and so willing to take time to share her adventures on the blog.

  89. I pre-ordered the book ages ago and I can't wait to receive it! It all looks good, but the dress on the cover is especially beautiful. Gertie you should be very proud!

  90. Congratulations Gertie! I just ordered mine from Amazon and look forward to getting my copy.

  91. This comment has been removed by the author.

  92. This looks awesome and I will be ordering.

    Such a shame that the first comment on your success is a negative, my mum always said if you have nothing nice or constructive to say, keep schtum

    All the success in the world, you deserve it you seem like a lovely lady

  93. I just preordered from Amazon UK and I'll review in on my blog once I get it :o)

  94. Wahoo! I think the price you are offering this at is a steal!! Congrats!!!

  95. Thanks for this wonderful sneak peek! I absolutely need this book. The patterns all seem wonderful, I love that it's spiral bound and I can tell from this preview that it's full of great techniques and tips.

    I also agree with most of the others, you worked hard on this and it is an inspiration to see how hard you work and successful you are. Of course you should promote your book and your classes on your blog! Don't even listen to anyone who complains about that.

  96. I preordered through Amazon--can't wait for it to be released!

  97. I love the finish on this book, vintage style illustrations, lovely colour themes, spiral binding and some great technique info as well!

  98. Gertie you are such an inspiration! Your book looks beautiful. Thanks for generously sharing so many images, I can't wait to see it in person!

  99. This book looks amazing! Going to go pre-order now...

  100. I CANNOT WAIT!!! Seriously, I've never been this excited for a book to come out in my life. I keep checking Amazon with the hope that it might release early...heeehee!

  101. It looks beautiful and interesting - if I can put together some fun money I am so getting it! I have no idea whether I would use some of the advanced techniques, but I would read it for fun, just to see how these things are done, and what you can create.

    I don't feel at all that I am being advertised to here, G. I have read your blog for ages now and the book is part of your sewing adventure - I would be sad not to know about it, even if I had no interest in purchasing it. It is not the blog it used to be, for sure. You are more than just a home seamstress - you have developed skills and gone on to new ventures and I like that! But when you talk about these things I feel much more like you are talking to a community of friends who are genuinely interested in what you are up to, than trying to convert a bunch of strangers into customers.

  102. Eeeee!!! I am so excited Gertie! I have ordered my copy on Amazon and just can't wait. It looks absolutely gorgeous. Wiggle dress first I think, then pencil skirt with little kick....
    And Ruth get a life. If you don't like it don't read it.

  103. Gorgeous! Thank you for posting all the sneak peek photos—as a craft book designer and a seamstress, I am *doubly* interested to see the book. The photos are gorgeous and the illustrations just kill me! Great job! I can't wait to get my hands on a copy.

  104. I <3 <3 <3 it!!!

    I especially love that lime-green, scalloped-waist skirt and the black and white strapless party dress.

    Congrats...I mentioned in a previous post that I had this book in my Amazon Wishlist in hopes of my DD making it a gift at some point but I don't know if I could wait for that now that I have seen the final product!!! wait or not to wait.

    ;-) KUDOS to you and good luck with the sales.

  105. I have so enjoyed reading your blog since I began sewing a couple of years ago - thanks for inspiring me - I'll definitely be ordering the book :)

  106. Congratulations, the book looks wonderful! Off to pre-order now.

  107. Wow, gorgeous book - love the vintage style illustration and the spiral binding. Looks like a great sewing resource, congratulations! :)

  108. I'm non-sewing-but-maybe-some-day fan, and OMG Gertie, this book is SO gorgeous. I cannot wait to buy it. I want to just browse through the pages over and over. The drawings? The neat layout? Detail photos? And fun modeling? This IS the New Book for Better Sewing.

  109. Wow-ee! A big congratulations to you. I can't wait for my copy to arrive. I might even have to set up one of those calendars where I X off the days until September 1. You have worked so hard for this, and I'm excited to have a great book out there for non-beginners.

  110. OMG! OK this is like pure torture...waiting is TOUGH! Every page is A-MAZ-ING!!! Seriously can not wait! I'm bouncing in my seat...ok this is a little ridiculous to be this excited but seriously it looks so great. Counting down the days!

  111. Congratulations Gertie! Looks like a great book. Can't wait until it's released!

  112. Thanks for the sneak peek! I have wanted to make the Bow-Tied blouse ever since you made your sweet light blue version. I can't wait!! And spiral-bound = awesome! Congrats.

  113. Wow - it really looks spectacular! I was also looking for Henry. I have both your book and Jeffs pre-ordered and can't wait to get them. Love you both.

  114. Holy cow! It looks so detailed, can't wait to see more of it

  115. It looks great! Just pre-ordered it on Amazon and can't wait for it to arrive.

  116. The illustrations and photos are gorgeous!!! Well done :)

  117. OMG that looks amazing! To be honest I had put off buying the book as I was worried that there might be nothing suitable for my short lean (I guess Twiggy-like) frame.
    I was WRONG. This book looks absolutely fabulous. Apart from there being loads of patterns that I think would work on me, all of the other content looks like its an essential sewing handbook.
    Congratulations you have sold another!

  118. kazoom - what book are you refering to "Jeff's" that you have preordered? Some other great sewing book that I don't know about? How is that possible? LOL!!!!

    1. Ha! That would be my husband Jeff, whose second novel is due out in September too. Kazoom is my wonderful and proud mother. :)

  119. I absolutely LOVE the vintage-style illustrations between chapters. I expected lots of information and fabulous patterns, but I very am excited that your book has such a lovely layout. I can't wait to page through it!

  120. It looks amazing - I already have one on pre-order! How exciting:D

  121. Congratulations! It is SO inspirational to see a talented person move from blogging into becoming well-known and respected...and then published! Proud of you :)

  122. Can't wait! It's on my Amazon wishlist and the preview looks awesome!

  123. Ooh, congratulations Gertie! It looks wonderful. The illustrations and presentation are just perfect. I was going to add it to my Christmas gift list but having seen these pages I doubt I'll be able to wait that long- I'll be buying it the first chance I get!

  124. This book is so fabulous looking, I can't wait to get my hands on it!! Congrats Gertie!

  125. It looks amazing!!! I can't wait to be able to get it down in Australia! :D

  126. Oh YIPPPEEE! I am so excited! I preordered the book the moment you talked about it! I am even more excited getting a sneak peek at the patterns and wealth of knowledge you provide!! YAY!

  127. I just preordered, desperate to circumvent the disappointment as I hear it has sold out when I go to order on Sept 1. Only sad that Amazon packages take so long to get to Australia. Very excited for you, also excited for me! Gretchen can you let us know of any sewalongs that you hear of? Unless you are doing your own? xxx

  128. You go girl!! I can hardly wait for the book to arrive. You are a great teacher and mentor. Keep it coming!

  129. WOW!! Being in the middle of the Bombshell class and LOVING IT, I'm really stoked to see a tailoring section - I want to learn it all! :)

    I wasn't expecting to get a full on pattern peek - I must say, I'm possibly even more excited now than I was before! And LOOK at all the positive comments - I am so happy for you & hope this means your book will be such a success that there will be many more to come!! :D

  130. OMG. I'm so excited to get your book in the post Gertie! So, so, so excited! It looks fantastic. You should be very proud of your work.

  131. VermillionCorsetryCoutureJuly 20, 2012 at 8:07 PM

    The waiting is unbearable! I can't wait to get my hands on your book!this is torture! you are such a clever woman!

  132. I pre-ordered this book long ago & am very happy that you shared a preview with us. I also like it that your blog is more than just tutorials although I appreciate them too. I feel you are sharing a creative journey with your readers with ups & downs along the way. (The book's a definite up..congratulations!) We're all on our own creative adventures too & it's fun, reassuring & informative to follow your blog...don't change a thing!

  133. I don't remember when I realized that this blog was really part of Gertie's business plan, but nonetheless, I will probably buy the book if I see it in one of my local book stores (B&N is our big one but Phoenix in VT is more so, hinthint). However, I do remember feeling, well, a wee bit BETRAYED when the realization was made, but, on the other hand, I think I would do it too. I expect to see a book deal out of Peter at Male Pattern Boldness any DAY! (I will buy that one too.)

    1. Ha, you're sweet. When I started this blog I was unemployed and didn't have a plan for the day, much less a business plan. :) I don't know of Phoenix Books, but now I'm curious! I love Vermont! Hope to make it up there again soon. :)

  134. Can't you make the book prettier? Or could you be cuter?
    Ha! wow it looks beautiful - congratulations!

  135. I don't think I've seen this mentioned before, I'd love to know what waist sizes go with the bust sizes. As in what waist size goes with the 32" bust?

    1. With a 32" bust, you get a 24" waist. Every bust size corresponds to a waist measurement that is 8" smaller. So, a 46" bust has a 38" waist.

  136. Gertie - congratulations! The book looks wonderful. I love the illustrations, and the design too. Not to mention the inspiring display of gorgeous dresses.

  137. Congratulations Gertie! Your book has been on my to buy list! Unfortunately September is a long way from now.

    Thank you for your book preview, now it's jumped up to my 'must buy list'!

  138. I never really took a second look at those vintage clothes but your book and your blog really made me do that!

    I'll definitively add this book to my Amazon's wishlist!

  139. How exciting for you!!! I have your book on my Book Depository wish list. I love that it is spiral practical. Thanks for the sneak peek :D

  140. Oh Gertie! It really is so wonderful! I'm so happy for you! And so happy for the rest of us to own this gem! Watching your book grow and's really like being in labor to birth this book! Bravo for you! Thank you from the bottom of my heart, for writing your blog, for producing such inspirational pieces, for your awesome online classes, and for sharing a bit of your soul with all of us. I truly appreciate you, and what you add to the crafty universe.

  141. I just have to throw in my two cents. I quit reading a health/ food blog because the author became pregnant. While that's fine I don't ever hope to have another baby. I toughed it out but then it was covered day after day with baby pics. Everyone I suggested read it quit because of the baby focus. No longer was it as it had been. Like so many other commercial blogs Gretchen is providing info while still advertising her products. I say more power to her! And never mind that finally there is a book with patterns that I have a shot of fitting into. Colette and Burda are both too small for us curvy girls.

    I am looking forward to a sew along or two and am congratulating Gertie for her success! May even more come her way!

  142. I pre-ordered the book blindly a while ago, but I am really looking forward to it now! The illustrations are fabulous.

  143. It looks so good! I've already discovered it on the German Amazon-site, sadly no release date and price yet. Hopefully it will arrive here in Holland soon!

  144. That was a great sneak peak. I am impressed at the number of patterns, and there are several that look tempting to me. Too bad about a couple of the negative comments...why wouldn't you share about your upcoming sewing book on your SEWING blog?! I think its great that your hobby and career have merged. I hope the book sells well and I am certainly considering it.

  145. Eeee, I am so excited for the release - a wonderful sneak peek. I can not wait to start working on the projects! Great work, Gertie

  146. OH NO! I can't wait until September. Gertie, you are so mean to show us these pictures! I am sure many seamstresses all around the world will be dreaming about it until we get our hands on it. The book looks so much better that I imagined: not only the pictures but the content and many fancy techniques. It's even difficult to say which the patterns is my favorite.

    Congratulation, Gertie! And thanks for putting so much of your time and efforts in the book!

  147. O-wow! What a great preview:) So happy for you!! And, yes, I can't wait for my copy.

  148. I am so excited for this book! The illustrations look stunning Gertie! The patterns look fabulous too, The Tiki Dress is top of my list to make :)

  149. WOW you must be so proud!!!! Its fantastic! But how can I buy it when I live in Denamrk??

  150. Gertie, you're an inspiration to us all!

  151. My pre-order has been made and with it's hopeful September arrival down here in Oz it will come just in time for the spring wardrobe. As for those that are lamenting the apparent change in Gertie's blog, may I suggest you simply don't read it. It's kinda like those that complain about what's on TV. No-one's making you watch it! Congrats Gertie. The preview looks amazing and has vindicated my decision to pre-order sight unseen!

    1. Aaah... my fellow Australian Rebecca (kaboosie is not my actual name!) who has pre-ordered Gertie's book AND gave the exact advice I was about to give.

      Yo rock. About as hard as this blog AND the up-coming book appears to. Nicely done.

  152. well done Gertie, you are a true inspiration! The book looks absolutely amazing :-)

  153. Can't wait to get your book! I show your posts to my students via the data projector! We all love you here in Australia. X

  154. Oh my goodness, I was already looking forward to your book coming out, Gertie, but now I am swooning with excitement!! The patterns look amazing - so unique and gorgeous. I can tell you've worked really hard to create some designs that aren't so easy to find with modern pattern companies (the coat dress!).

    Never mind the naysayers - thank you so much for your hard work on this and CONGRATULATIONS!! You deserve it.

  155. Sadly, this is the first I've encountered your blog. A stitchy friend of mine posted the link to your new book. A) how freakin exciting! Congrats! And B) I can't wait to get mine. I also look forward to reading all the back posts on your blog. Woot!

  156. Congratulations on the book, it looks gorgeous. It would be nice if you taught a beginning level online sewing class in the future.

  157. Congrats! It looks amazing, and I've promptly ordered a copy:) You should be proud of what you offer the sewing community, and while I miss regular sewing posts, I appreciate that you've spent your time making a book, which we can keep forever, and refer to for sewing wisdom at any time.

  158. Thanks for sharing this preview. Gertie, your book looks unbelievably thorough! I'm so excited to read something with more advanced sewing techniques. There are quite a few good beginning books out there, but I have seen few that help take things to the next level. So many advanced books are dry or not easy to read, but I know from reading your blog that this will be clearly written and explained. This must have been such a lot of work! I can't wait to dive in.

  159. I have this on pre order. I can't wait! It looks wonderful.

  160. I ordered your book when you first announced it was available. I'm so happy for you!! It must be thrilling to see it. Don't pay any attention to the haters. I think you're doing a great job!!!

  161. Congrats! The book looks great and I love the patterns. Can't wait to get my copy.



Thanks for your comments; I read each and every one! xo Gertie

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