Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Happy New Vintage Vogue Day!

I mean, it's practically a holiday in the sewing world. New Vintage Vogue patterns, readers! I'm just popping in quickly because this is a matter of utmost importance, since the $3.99 Vogue pattern sale ends at midnight tonight.

Here's 8812, one of my favorite Vintage Vogues in recent memory:

Nice photography, too. Are those Remix Shoes I spy?

The line drawing reveals the pretty bust shirring and the easy, breezy shape of the skirt.

Then there's 8811, which is simplicity defined.

At first, it didn't do a whole lot for me. (But the shoes? YES PLEASE.)

A look at the line drawing revealed what a useful dress this could be--the vintage-loving gal's version of a t-shirt dress, if you will.

Okay, ladies. Five and a half hours of the sale left to place your orders!


  1. I was just on their website YESTERDAY. They must have *just* come out with these new patterns! I am really loving the second one... t has sleeves! (A rarity in the Vintage Vogue line)

  2. UGH SERIOUSLY (re: sleeves)...I love the heck out of a sleeveless dress, but I have so, so many! Sleeves and pockets are two things that will automatically win favor from me in a day-dress pattern.

  3. I wish I could get those patterns! I love how the first one has that little jacket...I gotta have sleeves or at least a jacket in my job...nobody wants to get their hairwashed and see my pits! LOL

  4. Gertie, since you now live near a Joann Fabrics store, you will soon learn that all patterns go on sale a minimum of once a month. Yes, the Vogues too, at $3.99. Next sale day is 4/28/12. Be sure to arrive early on pattern sale days, patterns are available on a first come, first serve basis and can not be special ordered. I stepped down from my position with the company last month, after 4 years with them, so am fairly knowledgeable about this.

  5. Gah- how did I not know about this? Thank goodness it is pay day. How adorable is that second dress?!

  6. I love those patterns! Thanks for the tip. I am ordering a few tonight.


  7. Oh, I LOVE the sleeveless dress, Gertie! Thanks for letting us know about the sale - I know they go on sale at JoAnn periodically, but since the nearest one to me is 51 miles, it's good to have other options!

  8. Thanks for the reminder! I finally snagged that wrap-to-the-back dress pattern (8788) and a couple others.

  9. Oooh! Thanks for the reminder, Gertie! When patterns go on sale here in Australia, they're still three times as expensive as the online sales, so even with the S&H, it's still a great bargain. I bought 5 - can't wait for them to arrive!

  10. FYI - JoAnn's has a $3.99 sale on Vogue quite often. In fact, they are on sale this Saturday, 4/28 (I'm in Arizona, don't know if that matters). So all is not lost if you miss it tonight. :)

  11. thanks for this reminder! i just ordered 5 patterns!!!! Can't wait to work on some dresses!

  12. Too fun. I love how they picture each dress in a modern photograph. WHAT a difference.
    I got 1044 and 8789.
    I am not that close to a JoAnn's fabric. I would lose the amount I just paid for postage on gas. This is a nice option.
    Thanks for the heads up!

  13. You temptress! I just got the most amazing Vogue pattern from 1953 in the mail yesterday, so I will not be led astray by sales :)

  14. I think I was on the Vogue website the same time as you. I placed an order when I saw they were on sale because JoAnn's has been out of either my size or the patterns completely that I wanted the last two times they went on sale.

  15. I love that second dress: that straight armhole flatters me. What is it called?

  16. Love the old style patterns. I have a few, but would love to add more.

  17. I saw your forthcoming book on Amazon. Great cover and notice you have your wonderful green shoes on! I cna't wait to read it. Thanks so much for your wonderful blog and I'm so looking forward to reading your book. You and your dad are in my thoughts.

  18. Ack- what is the website url? The only thing I'm getting is the BMV site and it is not at 3.99! Thanks!

  19. Just wanted to say that I am a recent follower to your blog and have been so inspired by your posts that yesterday I preordered your book from Amazon! Can't wait to get it, even if September is a long way off...


    welcome :)

  21. Hi Gertie!
    I write in this post because I am afraid that my comment is going to get lost in the 166(wow, you´re like a diva!!) previous, and this is important. I have to sew with silk, and I am afraid that it will not have enough body for the ample skirt. MY quiestion is: can you make a super post on interfacing, HOW TO SEW IT IN THE GARMENT (apparently no need to explain that anywhere)and if it is ok to interface everything if you are going to use lining for the dress...
    On a different matter, I have preordered your book in Amazon, whe is it actually coming out? I am dying to read it!
    Thanks so much for your time,


  22. Can anyone give tips on how to read the vintage vogue patterns? I bought the lovely V2903,but I'm not sure what the "6.0, 6.1, etc." in the sizing section is... I tried to Google it, and mostly I saw information on translating sizes to today's sizes.

  23. nice idea.. thanks for sharing..


Thanks for your comments; I read each and every one! xo Gertie

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