Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Finished Rose Applique Dress

It's done! The Joan Holloway-inspired dress I blogged about last week is now complete, thanks to an old tablecloth and a little crafty thinking. (A big thanks to those who gave me applique tips in the comments; I took note for next time!) It seems pretty appropriate to post on Valentine's Day, doesn't it?
The pattern is this one that I draped last year, and am still perfecting the fit on. (I wear my green polka dot version all the time, and get so many nice compliments on it.) And yes, it's more of the pinky-red merino I made that little suit out of. And I still have some left! I must have bought out the entire stock of that stuff. What can I say? It's my color.

It has a centered, lapped zipper, just like Joan's would have. (I also have a classy Joan-esque chignon, thanks to the multi-talented Fleur!)
It's lined in bright red silk Habutai, and the midriff section is interfaced to keep it smooth. 

An applique close-up:

It wouldn't be an exaggeration to say I've gotten a little applique-happy. There's a vintage lobster tablecloth coming my way in the mail. (Lobsters!) And then all the products I have to look into: stabilizers, interfacings, threads . . .  Watch out, world!


  1. Yourve inspired me to go op shopping and find some table cloths now and do the same!

  2. You're right; that shade of red really is your colour! That's got to be one of my all-time favourites of your outfits Gertie; i just love it.

  3. It's almost as though your dresses need tattoos to match yours! ;P

  4. You look fabulous! Love the overall look of the dress, might have to try my hand at applique someday. :)

  5. Wow - it looks great! hope you went out to dinner in it with your valentine.

  6. It is a wonderful dress and looks great. You are very talented. Keep creating and inspiring people to be creative.

  7. This is stunning! Joan would totes approve :) This is making me think applique may not be as scary as I first thought...

  8. Wow it looks fabulous. The colour is so vibrant. You must be over the moon with it.

  9. Oh.My.God.

    My jaw just hit the ground. I love this dress so much it makes my stomach hurt.

  10. It's thanks to you that I've fallen in love with sheath dresses! Yours looks fabulous, as always =)

  11. Beautiful! Love the green pumps too!

  12. i want an applique tutorial, these look great.

  13. Lobster applique! YES!Also, this dress is stunning.

  14. Oooh :) its so lovely to see you posting sewn garments again!

  15. Just read through your simi-tutorial on drafting and sewing your green dress, lots of great information. I've taken a seam out a time or too, when I have gotten ahead of myself in construction. Great pattern and a very lovely mad men dress.

  16. I think this my favorite of all your dresses. And that's saying something!

  17. gorgeous! (and the dress isn't bad either ;-)

  18. This is AMAZING and it fits you so beautifully! Well done, Gertie, you just keep getting better and better!

  19. Picking up a new embellishment technique always makes me go a bit " happy".

    I think it's the curse of the home sewer that we make so few items that we often cannot truly perfect our new skills with lots of immediate practice and playing around, unless we want everything around us to look kind of alike.

    I know some people learn to knit or crochet and then they make everything using that technique, and that's great for them if it makes them happy, but I want more variation.

  20. Wow that looks just stunning! I do fancy doing some applique work too

  21. You look stunning Gertie. The colour is amazing on you. I think this is one of my favourite outfits you made, too.

  22. Va-va-voom! Watch out Joan! LOVE the dress!

  23. amazing dress, applications are charming

  24. Hi there, love the dress! I have tagged you in a blogg game, pop by and have a look!

  25. Fabulous, just like Joan´s (it´s one of my favourites).
    Lobster applique?! Can´t wait to see it!

  26. This looks amazing on you! Joan is such an inspiring woman, and I want to make every single one of her outfits for myself! ;)

    I was just thinking after your post last week - I want to tell you how lucky you are to have your curves. I know the grass is always greener, but I married into a Latino family full of curvy, va-va-voom women who all emulate Sofia Vergara and look sexy in just a pair of cutoff jeans and tshirt. I, on the other hand, am a stick straight, no curves anywhere kind of gal who looks like a dowdy 12-year old in that same cutoffs and tshirt.

    So I wanted to tell you how much I admire your curves, and how beautiful of a figure you and Joan both have! :)

  27. Simply stunning! The roses are the icing on an already delicious cake! I think I would have been tempted to buy up all of that gorgeous wool as well - the colour is beautiful!

  28. Your dress is absolutely gorgeous. To date I've always looked for vintage tablecloths in good condition for my table, but I think I'm now going to have to extend my search to cutters so that I can make appliques out of them! They work so well.

  29. That is utterly gorgeous! The polka-dot one is lovely, but this is much better and far more eye-catching!

  30. You look fabulous, Gertie and the dress - I'm sure Joanie would be all over it! As a previous commenter above said, I love how the appliqued roses look with your tatoos! Well done x

  31. It's a vision! But now you must use your new applique skills to make a Frida/monkey dress..I have just the vintage curtain for it!

  32. Oh, Ms. Gertie, You look outstanding! The dress is fun and sophisticated. Excellent!

  33. I just love this dress. It's one of the cutest things you've made. It flaters your figure and coloring.

  34. It looks great on you! I especially love it with the lime green shoes.

  35. Can't wait to see what you whip up with the vintage lobsters, Gertie. It'll be perfect for brunch and trips to the seaside - eat lobster, wear lobster. What symmetry LOL

  36. this color really suits you! I really do like how you appliqued the me some ideas on stuff to come~!

  37. Wow that looks just stunning!

  38. Lovely!

    Would you wear it with the jacket you just made in that fabric or no?

    I need pix of the dress with jacket!!!

  39. This is lovely and so Joan-esque! The applique adds such an interesting and feminine touch. I love it.

  40. Love the applique! Just wanted to let you know that your new Craftsy course is out. I can't wait to sign up for it. Yay Starlet Suit Jacket!!

  41. Gorgeous!!! I'm just loving this shade of red on you--a girl can never have to much red. ;) The appliques really make it stand out. Can't wait to see what that lobster table cloth you mentioned ends up as! ;)

  42. Lovely dress it looks so good on you! Such an idea to make something out of a tablecloth, I'll definitely remember that! XxxX

  43. Fantastic dress. The rose applique is adorable.

  44. Whoa, that dress is just gorgesous.

    Lobsters! Haha...I see a Schiaparelli/Dali moment coming on...

  45. Hi Gertie ~ I absolutely love your applique dress. Please tell me the dress pattern will be in your new book. I would also love to know where you purchase your fabulous fabric. I am a black hair girl and love red/pink!

  46. It looks absolutely lovely. You did a great, great, great job!

  47. Looks amazing, especially with the green shoes!


Thanks for your comments; I read each and every one! xo Gertie

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