Thursday, June 9, 2011

Congrats, Giveaway Winners!

Hey hey, readers! I'm back. Please forgive the delay in announcing the winners of the Threads Designer Secrets special issue giveaway. I'm just recovering from three days of intense filming but I'm back in the saddle!

Here are our THREE winners: Kristina, frk.bustad, and Nettie Delgado. Ladies, please contact me by e-mail and I'll have your issue shipped to you.

Thank you all for entering and your kind words of support. Don't be too sad if you didn't win, there's another Blue Gardenia giveaway happening here any day now!


  1. Yay! Gertie you're back. Can't wait to hear all about your adventures in filming.


  2. After reading your post on this issue I had to run out and buy it myself! I haven't opened it yet as I have a 5 hour flight on Wednesday where I can savor the articles. I've been itching to read it early so I actually had to bury it in a pile of stuff so I don't see it taunting me!

  3. I went out to buy it too! I'm reading it with my breakfast:)

  4. Hurray, that's me! I'll send you an email with details (and update my blog, in case of visitors, ahem)

  5. Yay! This is sooo exciting! I can't wait!

  6. Hey sweetie, Thanks again for the gift! I emailed you this week but haven't heard back from you. Just checking in to make sure I got your email address right. Let me know?


    (nettie.delgado on gmail!)


Thanks for your comments; I read each and every one! xo Gertie

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