Wednesday, May 11, 2011


This is me and Henry, just chillin'. Jeff took this picture last weekend right before we took a two hour nap in this position.

One of the (many) things I love about Henry is that his head always smells faintly of honey. I wonder what that's all about.

Happy Thursday, friends!


  1. Nap time is great, isn't it? Hoover doesn't snuggle up, but he likes snoozing on the floor next to us.
    I wish he smelled like honey. I noticed the other day that his paws smell like corn chips.

  2. Oh, how sweet!! I have 2 gray kitties too, and their heads smell sweet also. Must be a kitty thing. They are my best buddies!

  3. Aww, what a cute picture! Henry is a gorgeous kitty cat, such a lovely colour. He looks so soft and snuggly :) I love cats, and would love one of my own! I always love going 'home-home' because my younger brother has a cat :)
    Ashley x

  4. Oh, you are both so cute!
    I love to snuggle up with my pug BFF, but can't say he smells like honey;) (not that he doesnt smell good;)

  5. My Rufus and I cuddle in this exact position too :-)
    His head smells sweet and fresh like flower pollen. Weird, huh?

  6. Very cute and cosy! My cat's paws smell like biscuits (similar to what Gorgeous Things said!)

  7. I wants a Henry. Soft kitty cuddles are great.

  8. What a cute portrait! It makes me realize that although I have many pictures of my kitties, I don't have many of me and the kitties together. Need to remedy that. :)

  9. that is such a sweet photo of the both of you, and you have identical expressions! nothing better than a cat nap with your best feline friend :)


  10. That looks just like my cat, Fritz. He has a short crooked tail and I rescued him from a frisbee golf course. He is the cuddliest cat ever. Looks like Henry isn't so bad either :0). Yay for nap time!

  11. Mmmm, a two hour nap... Sounds great!
    Sweet picture. :)

  12. He smells like honey because he's made of sweetness!

  13. Awwww, you two look like perfect nap partners. I only recently discovered the joy of napping, can't be beat!

  14. My big kitty's fur smells like dry milk. :) The little one smells like linens... probably because he's rubbing hair all over my clean linens.

  15. I cuddle with my Husband does that count :)

  16. That is such a cute picture! Cuddly kitties are the best. I have two and one's head always smells like rice.

  17. Very cute kitty Gertie! Taking naps with furry babies is the best!

  18. New follower, first time commenter:

    I had to comment because of that cat. We used to have gray cat that looked exactly like Henry, sweetest thing ever. He'd snuggle with us like that. After I moved away from home, my parents had another gray cat that was pretty snuggly. I wonder if it's the color gray that makes a good snuggly cat?!

  19. I love it, especially the way Henry is looking at the camera all "Yeah. She's mine. MINE."

  20. one of my birds (a female pacific parrotlet) smells like maple syrup, and my female parakeet smells like hickory smoke. pretty strange...

  21. We are sitting here exactly at the same way, my russian-blue-cats and me!


  22. Best nap I ever took: Lying on the floor in a sunbeam with our Beagle, Lady. Everyone in the house just tiptoed around us and we still laugh about it.

  23. aww precious!! An awesome BFF!

  24. I know what you mean about the pet smell!

  25. Nothing like a nap with a little friend. My little Lucy, a black lab, smells like Ritz crackers.

  26. Happy and possessive baby hugging mom.

  27. OMG! First, Henry is adorable. Second, I love that about my cats, too! My dear departed BFF, Oblio, had a head that always smelled faintly of dusty raspberries. The new two smell a bit like honey, like you lovely Henry.

    Cats rock.

  28. Whoops! Make that "your" lovely Henry...

  29. Your Henry looks just like my Hannah. It's amazing their powers of nap inducement. Cats + naps = good.

  30. my two kitties always smell of a floral perfume. Originally thought it was the kitty litter, at that point they weren't allowed outside so it wasn't flowers or someone else. No more litter though, and they both still smell floral.

  31. That's so cute! And you're lucky ... my sweet kitty always smells faintly of corn chips.

  32. Looks like my cat, the male one. I think he smells really nice too. Better than his sister. :)

  33. Henry is wonderful and reminds me of my Zigmond (AKA:Ziggy)

  34. Awwww. My cat Max always smells like toast. I don't get it either, but I love it.


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