Sunday, November 21, 2010

20% Off Sew-Along Fabrics at Sewbox!

Well, this is exciting. Leah from the UK fabric shop Sewbox e-mailed me to let me know that she's offering 20% off all her fabulous garment cottons to celebrate our Crepe Sew-Along!

I love the Liberty poplin above, as well as this fabulous polka dot lawn. Wouldn't it be so cute with a brightly colored sash? I'm thinking hot pink or lime green.

Leah also wrote a great post on her blog with several of her own recommendations.

To get 20% any of these lovely cottons, just enter the code SEWALONG at checkout. The offer runs until our Sew-Along starts on December 6th.

A big thanks to Leah for offering this amazing deal!


  1. I'm so excited about this sew along I can hardly stand it! However, I'm already worried about my fabric choice. I picked a really cute cotton floral, similar to the pink print shown above. Do I need to worry about matching the print at the seams? I bought a little bit extra (an eighth of a yard, I think), but I'm worried I won't have enough. Maybe I should stick with a solid, given that this is my first real garment?

  2. Brilliant! :) I'm so pleased you have deals for your UK-based readers too. Thank you!

  3. Great news fo us in the UK, and a gorgeous selection!! Will there be a Flickr group for this sew a long?

  4. Gaylene, I was just going to ask if there was a flickr group yet!

  5. Thanks for this on behalf of UK readers!
    I too am a bit worried about using anything with a pattern on. Should beginners stick to something straight-forward?


  6. Yippee, just ordered gorgeous lawn from Sewbox - ready to rock'n'roll!

  7. Hi guys! Glad you liked the discount offer. :)

    Niki, if it's a really busy print and it's not too large, you can probably get away with not matching it. If the floral is really orderly and symmetrical, you might notice the mis-matches though. Why don't you try holding the fabric together so it imitates a seam and see how it looks?

    And yes! There will be a Flickr group. I'll probably set it up over the upcoming long weekend.

    Poppy, see my notes to Niki above. You can definitely do a print, but choose a small-scale one, like little polka dots or tiny flowers.


Thanks for your comments; I read each and every one! xo Gertie

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