Guys, I love you. I love that you come by every day to read my ramblings and to leave witty, brilliant, informative comments. I love your opinions on shoes and that you cheer me on when I need it. I even love that you tell me when I'm wrong. A lot of different voices contribute to this blog and for that I thank all of you. I wish I could give you each a present! Alas, I have but one to give. A brand new copy of
Blueprints of Fashion: Home Sewing Patterns of the 1940s is up for a giveaway!
This is one of my favorite fashion history books, so it seems a fitting celebratory prize. All you have to do is leave a comment here to be entered. You can enter until Monday, April 26th at midnight EST. All countries are eligible! Make sure you stop by on Tuesday to see if you're the winner.
Thanks for reading, dear friends.
I get to be first? Wow.
ReplyDeleteI thank YOU Gertie, for writing such an awesome blog! Congratulations on your well deserved 1000! x
ReplyDeleteThis blog has gotten me sewing again and that makes me very happy.
Ooh ooh - me please! (How indecorous of me to bounce up and down waving my arm!)
ReplyDeleteme too, me too! (also waving frantically) :-)
ReplyDeleteCongratulations for having 1000 follower, and thanks for the inspiration you share!
Put me in as well!
ReplyDeleteWe love your blog because we learn so much from it. Thank you for this great giveaway.
ReplyDeleteThank you for always having such an interesting blog to follow!! Congrats for getting over 1000 followers :)
ReplyDeleteSuch an awesome giveaway, I'm quite excited!
Lottie x
Hello, I'd love to win this book!
ReplyDeleteThanks for a great blog - it has been a most welcome addition to my google reader!
ReplyDeleteThank you for being an inspiration and for posting such easy to follow tutorials. You lead by example Gertie, you deserve every follower you've got. Congratulations. Go have a very big drink of your choice! x
ReplyDeleteThank you, Gertie, for writing such thought-provoking (yet fun) posts that made me realize sewing is not only about sewing. Congratulations on passing the 1000 mark!
Awww...Gertie, we love you too! In fact, I'm having a hard time saying if yours or The Selfish Seamstress is my all-time favourite. (Ok, I'm just saying that in the hopes of fueling some scrappy rivalry. Is there a sewing equivalent of mudwrestling to settle this?)
ReplyDeleteCongratulations on your 1000th follower. Keep it up!
I see you're up to 1006 now - congratulations! I simply love reading your blog, and can only imagine the amount of time you must invest in making it so fab. Your beautiful creations have inspired me to take my first, tentative steps into the world of sewing.
ReplyDeleteWow! that's a generous giveaway and looks like a good book (which i've never seen!) ...
ReplyDeleteThanks very much for stopping by and leaving a comment about my coat the other day! I am cutting the real fabric today! eek!
What a great book. Congratulations on your 1000th follower.
ReplyDeleteFirst time commenting (ok, ok, you lured me out with the book), but I want to say that I love your blog and find your sense of style truly inspiring!
ReplyDeletei read your blog especially now that my sewing machine is broken, to sew vicariously. but also because no one should have to choose between being a feminist and dressing beautifully. thank you!
ReplyDeletecongrats on the 1000th follower! SO well deserved!
ReplyDeleteI adore your blog..no wonder you have over 1000 followers. You are an inspiration!
Congrats on your 1000th follower! I love reading your blog - perks up my working day no end!! Thanks Gertie, keep it up!!!!x
ReplyDeleteFingers crossed! I'm so happy I found your site.
ReplyDeleteAnd thank YOU Gertie for being the one to start these brilliant discussions. Though I would have loved living in the '40's and '50's amongst stylish young women like the ones on the cover of the book you are giving away, I count myself lucky that I live in this current technological age in which I can read your blog from New Zealand and be inspired by your wise words as well as the advice from your followers. <3
ReplyDeleteOh my goodness yes.
ReplyDeleteCongratulations on rocketing to craft blog stardom!
Congratulations! 1000 followers! Wow.
ReplyDeleteI want to thank you as well, for writing this wonderful blog. It has played a big influence in getting me started on sewing my own clothes. I've been trying for years without much success and by reading your blog I understand more about the techniques I was reading about, but didn't quite grasp before. So thank you very much!
And Yuy! All countries eligble! Belgium represent! :P
Your blog has been such an inspiration. Thanks for putting in the time! Congrats on your 1000th follower!
ReplyDeletegot to be in it to win it :)
ReplyDeletecongratulations on making your blog such a success, there's something special about this place - it's the only blog i check every day!
Wow! Always love reading your blog! I think I may go buy that book, it looks like a good read!
ReplyDeleteOh this would be a wonderful book to win! I have learned so much reading your blog, and I check it almost every day. Sounds schmoozy, doesn't it, but it's true. I have been sewing for almost 30 years now, and I am finally learning what I need to know about pattern alterations and fitting. Your blog is one of the ones that has helped me get over my fear of munching up my existing patterns to fit my body. I find your blog inspirational!
ReplyDeleteWhat a treat!!! And congratulations on your 1000!!!!
ReplyDeleteYour blog helps me too! My mom is making that Micheal Kors dress you just made a lovely version of and I was able to show her what you did. So Thank You!!
Woo! Congrats on 1000 followers! I don't always comment, but I absolutely LOVE reading your blog! You're so inspiring and your posts are interesting and informative! So thank you for sharing your life with us! :D
ReplyDeleteMany congratulations. Your wonderful blog is so inspiring for those of us who are aiming for Better Sewing! Oh, and please put me in the draw because I really want that book.
ReplyDeleteI can't remember if I have commented on your blog before but I have followed it for some time now and read it from the beginning. You are very inspiring and I must say, I have learned quiet a bit from reading your blog.
ReplyDeleteYou introduced me to Emma Pillsbury and now I am obviously hooked. How could I not be.
All the best to you and your beautiful blog (plus not to forget the husband and the kitties)
wauw I would love that book...yhank you for your blog and your inspirational post!
ReplyDeleteGertie, thank YOU for your blog! It has really inspired me. Before I sewed the occasional dress to wear to weddings or other special occasions, but now I want a whole handmade wardrobe.
I'd love to have a look at this book, my sewing library could do with a new addition!
ReplyDeleteOoooh. Aah. *crosses fingers*. This blog has got me sewing *for me* again. Whoop-de-do!
ReplyDeleteCongratulations Gertie! I love reading your blog - it really brightens my day : )
ReplyDeleteCongrats on 1,000 followers! And that book looks awesome. Count me in among those who find your blog inspirational. (I just finished a hot-pink pencil skirt ... can one dress like Emma Pillsbury if one is shaped more like the Pillsbury dough boy? lol)
ReplyDeleteI love your blog and I would love to win that book.
ReplyDeleteWell done on 1000 followers, count me in for the give away
I'm #43; I try harder.
ReplyDeleteI love reading your blog and how you rock the retro style. It has inspired me to learn pattern drafting, since finding cute plus sized patterns is not that easy, and have to modify them anyway, because apparently my hips to waist ratio is too curvalicious for a pattern!
ReplyDeleteThanks for the give away :)
I love your blog!!! Keep up the good work - you are an inspiration.
ReplyDeleteHi Gertie, Congrats on your thousands of followers! You deserve every one!
ReplyDeleteWow, what a generous giveaway.
ReplyDeletethanx to you and others I've refound a new passion and after sitting for so many years on the bridge looking down at the stream, i've finally decided to jump in and get my feet wet.
you would die of laughter if you saw what I've made but I believe if you make a mistake you learn from it.
joan in italy
Love your blog, your sewing and your style. That book would be an awesome read - count me in!
ReplyDeletethis is an awesome blog and I've been reading since almost the beginning, I can't wait to see what you do next!
ReplyDeleteLearn a lot about vintage sewing from your blog. Opens up a whole new world for me.
ReplyDeleteThat book is excellent. The introduction is informative, and it has pretty, pretty pictures!
ReplyDeleteAfter checking e-mail, yours is the first blog I go to. Delightful.
I love reading your blog for sewing inspiration and the little pushes I need to explore some vintage style. :) And yes, please enter me in the contest!
ReplyDeleteThank YOU Gertie for creating such an interesting space here where we can all geek out about sewing and bounce ideas off of each other.
ReplyDeleteWhoohooo! congrats on the followers!
ReplyDelete1000 followers, that's awesome!
ReplyDeletewhoop whoop! "I have forced myself to contradict myself in order to avoid conforming to my own tastes" -marcel duchamp
ReplyDeleteHi Gertie. I've been enjoying your blog for a while now. Thank you so much for the great patterns and discussions. I would love to be entered in your drawing. You and Peter are responsible for my growing list of Vintage pattern covets.
I agree, much thanks to you for a super blog that always has my interest peaked:)
ReplyDelete1000?! Congrats and thank you for writing such a wonderful blog!
ReplyDeleteLove your blog and congratulations on 1000+ followers!
ReplyDeletePlease include me in your give away!
Grats on 1,000 followers! I love your blog and can't wait to see more of your lovely dresses!
ReplyDeleteWOW! A 1000 followers! That is amazing!!
ReplyDeleteCongrats and what a cool giveaway. I love your blog!
ReplyDeleteYay! Congrats! and Thanks!
ReplyDeleteWell deserved congratulations Gertie! You now have 1000+ people who wish they could meet you, become your friend, and go fabric shopping with you!
ReplyDeleteAnd I didn't know there was 1940s version of this book, I didn't know it was a series. I found one for 1950s patterns at my local library. Are there more? Off to amazon to check!
Congratulations!!! Love your blog :)
ReplyDelete::Fingers Crossed::
What a really great giveaway! Your posts are always so well thought out and interesting, and always fab to read
ReplyDeletethis blog is a daily stop for me, i love your enthusiasm and you always make me feel like starting to sew again as soon as i get more spare time!
ReplyDeleteNever thought about making a retro outfit until I happened upon your blog. I made your full skirt and I love it. I have a few vintage patterns I'll be trying out one of them soon. I love your blog!
ReplyDeleteOooo, I want!
ReplyDeleteLike many others here, part of the reason I enjoy your blog is because you bring up topics that spark discussion.
Too bad you don't have a message boards too! I bet there would be some lively debates... :)
Congratulations! I've loved reading your blog...especially as I'm trying to find the courage to dive into a stack of vintage patterns! :)
ReplyDeleteYour blog is fabulous. You have no idea on how inspiring it is for me. Thanks for all your sharing. Congratulations on your 1,000!
*fingers crossed*
ReplyDeleteWith over 70 comments, it seems incredible that I would win, but someone's gotta beat the odds, right?? My email is smgjic [at] hotmail [dot] com.
ReplyDeleteCongratulations Gertie! Without you we would not be inspired to try our hand at peter pan collars, crinolines, fitting, and perhaps vintage patterns in general. It has certainly helped me push myself. Thanks :)
ReplyDeleteI read your blog daily and am constantly inspired. THANKS.
ReplyDeleteCongrats! Love your blog :)
ReplyDeleteAnd love the prize too ;)
Oh I want to be in too!
ReplyDeleteHuzzah! I'm totally in.
ReplyDeleteCongratulations, Gertie!
ReplyDeleteI am really enjoying your blog.
I have gotten into '40s fashionsrecently, and I would really love a book about them
Thank you Gertie! I look forward to your blog every day!
ReplyDeleteI only discovered your blog a month or so ago, but it's become a regular part of my internet reading. Thanks for the informative, beautiful sewing features and the smart, thought-provoking feminist content!
ReplyDeleteCongrats on this milestone! Your blog is by far my favorite, Gertie. It's relevant, thought-provoking, and so much fun! Before I found this supportive community of vintage lovers, I was starting to feel like a shadow of myself (in the midst of motherhood & wifeyhood). Thanks for helping me get back in touch with my "old soul" for a few minutes each day!
ReplyDeleteBtw, that book is my favorite resource for patterns/designs. I'd love to own a copy. Thanks for the giveaway!
ReplyDeleteI also want to thank you for your blog. I found it and it helped give me the drive to chase after one of my dreams!!! I love reading your blog first thing in the morning (it's like my coffee) and then in the afternoon catching up on past blogs!
I love it!
I decided to follow you yesterday after god knows how many weeks of silent lurking. You've inspired me to go and buy a lot (lot!) of vintage patterns from ebay this week and to revamp my image/style. I'm so glad your ramblings are as popular as they are! I really enjoy reading your blog - keep on goin'!
ReplyDeleteI also want to thank you for your blog. I found it and it helped give me the drive to chase after one of my dreams!!! I love reading your blog first thing in the morning (it's like my coffee) and then in the afternoon catching up on past blogs!
I love it!
(Sorry I messed up on the last one >.< )
What a fun giveaway!
ReplyDeleteThanks from me, too! You are a real inspiration, especially for a budding new sewer such as myself. You offer so much (including humor) and I thank you! Oh, and what style : )
ReplyDeleteCongratulations on one thousand!
I love your blog, only been following it for a month, but I check for opdates every day. That book looks lovely, as I collect old sewing/handiwork manuals.
*jumps up and down* I figured that might garner more attention than waving my arms ;) One more Belgian in the house!
ReplyDeleteCongratulations Gertie. Your blog is one of my favourites because it makes me think about sewing, and all the issues that surround sewing, fashion and female identity. Keep up the good work!
ReplyDeleteI stop by every day and absolutely love your blog. It's encouraging me to take up my needle again and get sewing - only this time I'm going to learn to adjust patterns and make muslins to get the fit right. Thank you Gertie for your wonderful articles and inspiration.
ReplyDeleteI always look forward to reading your blog--I love your vintage-inspired style and the discussions you start about fashion and feminism. And I've been eying this book for some time....
ReplyDeleteI was in a sewing rut for a long time now, but your blog got me moving again. Thanks!
ReplyDeletei have a pattern for a dress similar to the striped one on the lower left. one day, it will be made. i love your blog! rock on with your rag curls!
ReplyDeleteSweet. I love the 40s fashion. Congrates on the growing following.
ReplyDeleteCongrats on getting your 1000th follower! Your blog is great and you deserve it!
ReplyDeleteGertie, I don't know what I would do with out you (and the occasional pictures of Sweet Henry)! You have inspired me so much! Keep up the good work!
ReplyDeleteI recently discovered your blog. Great stuff! Thanks so much.
ReplyDeleteGertie, congratulations, and if I could I would give you a completed Background Dress.
ReplyDeleteLove your blog! Please enter me in your contest. Thanks :)
ReplyDeleteCongratulations!! Please enter me in the drawing.
ReplyDeleteLong odds, but I'm in. :) Congratulations!
ReplyDeleteLove it Gertie! I love your blog and have learned so much from you already. Thanks to your ruler recommendation, I am currently working on my first non-a-line skirt...that will maybe fit both my waist and my hips! Glorious! Keep up the good work sister :-)
ReplyDeleteCongratulations Gertie! Please enter me in the drawing!
ReplyDeleteI'm glad your blog has so many followers, I always enjoy reading your articles so please keep on the good work :)
ReplyDeletethat looks like a great book! Count me in for the drawing :)
ReplyDeletecongrats Gertie!! thank you for the giveaway and count me in ;)
ReplyDeleteWow, that's sweet:o) Congrats on 1000 followers!
ReplyDeleteIt happens a lot that I get really enthusiastic about something and then lose interest - either because I've exhausted its limited appeal or just got bored - but your blog is definitely not one of those thing! I've been reading for seven months and checking for your new post is still one of those things I look forward to every day. Thank you so much for being interesting and inspirational on a daily basis - the effort that you put into making this blog good is truly amazing, and you deserve to have thousands of followers.
ReplyDeleteCongrats on the 1000th. Your blog is always inspirational and gets me thinking about things.
ReplyDeleteCool! I want to win!
ReplyDeleteCongrats! Your blog is awesome and I get excited when I see I have a new post of yours to read in my reader! Keep up the great work!
ReplyDeleteCongrats on the 1000th follower! I think it is no wonder, that so many people follow your blog. Thank you for sharing all your thoughts, projects and inspiration with us!
ReplyDeleteWarm hugs!
Wow, that's amazing, well done! Something to feel very proud off. I love reading your blog :)
ReplyDeleteLooks like a great book. It'd be an amazing kick-start to a sewing career. :)
ReplyDeleteCongrats on your 1000th follower - of course, it's because you have a great blog!
ReplyDeleteHmmm that book would go perfectly with all the 1940s vintage patterns I've recently bought...
What fun! Seems like quite an interesting book.
ReplyDeleteYou rule! I've been enjoying your informative blog for a while now. Thanks for hosting a fun giveaway.
ReplyDeleteCongrats on 1000! That's awesome Miss :)
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteYou know how much I love your blog. I've been following you near the start of your blog. Thank you for the generous giveaway.
ReplyDeleteCongratulations on making it to over 1000 followers. That's incredible.
Congratulations, Gertie! I'm really impressed by you, your blog, your nearness to us readers, your commitment and enthusiasm. Thanks for being such a great inspiration!
ReplyDeleteThanks for being here. I always love what you have to say.
ReplyDeleteAnd why have I never even heard of that book?! It looks great. Keeping my fingers crossed!
Congrats! I love your blog!
ReplyDeleteThank you for writing such an awesome and informative blog! Congrats, your blog deserve it.
ReplyDeleteGreetings, Zuzsa
Thank you for all that you share with us, and all that you teach us; I enjoy learning! Your blog is so much fun to read!
ReplyDeleteCongrats! You deserve every single one of us! Love love your blog! Thanks so much!
ReplyDeleteWhat a cool giveaway. Your blog is always a daily sewing inspiration. :) Congrats. Soon you will have thousands :)
ReplyDeleteI lover your blog - Wow! 1000!! Great Book!!
ReplyDeleteI look forward to reading your blog (and the comments!) every day. Thanks for writing and building such a great community!
ReplyDeleteWhat a great prize! The patterns on the cover look so beautiful and versatile. Maybe you should keep it as your next project once you've exhausted all the patterns in VoNBBS though?!
ReplyDeleteI must admit, I do enjoy reading your blog...well played, Gertie. Well played.
ReplyDeleteGertie - I love your blog! There's always something interesting to read, I've learned some new things, and I'm amazed at your sewing speed. Actually, I'd love for you to post a bit about that - how you set up a project, how long is each sewing session, how much do you do at once - in short, how are you able to produce such lovely pieces so quickly?
ReplyDeleteI am enjoying your blog so much! Thanks for the great giveaway. Today is my birthday, so it's only natural that I will be chosen, right? ;-)
ReplyDeleteWow, 1000! What and accomplishment! Your blog is amazing and I seriously find it to be the best way to start my day!
Congratulations! I love your blog and find it very inspiring. Plus I want the book!!
ReplyDeleteI really enjoy your blog. It taught me about Swedish tracing paper (and I'm Swedish and didn't use it!!!)
ReplyDeleteGertie, I really enjoy reading your blog. I like the fact that you think differently from myself on some issues and challenge me in new ways.
ReplyDeleteGertie I LOVE your blog & if we ever met I'm sure I would love you too!! You've inspired me to run, not walk, to my sewing machine!! And I would love this book! Congrats on 1000 followers!
ReplyDeleteI am more excited that so many others recognize how awesome your blog is than about your giveaway (although that is still pretty rad). Your blog is really inspiring!
ReplyDeleteI swoon! What a great book. Thanks for writing such interesting and inspiring posts EVERY day! I don't know how I'd get through the work day without you =)
ReplyDeletei can understand why you have 1000 followers - this a great blog and (no lie) it is the first thing i open every morning. even before i check my email!!!
ReplyDeletei wish our local bookstore carried that book. they said they could order it for me, but i just want to browse it! seems like a such a waste if i'm not going to buy it (only bc i cannot afford it - maybe for my birthday!).
OMG - I *need* that book!
ReplyDeleteJust so's ya know - I <3 your blog in a big way. We're talking serious girly crush here. You've gotten me sewing vintage again, and I didn't even realize how much I'd missed it.
I look forward to your blog daily. I haven't gotten ready to start sewing again but live vicariously through you. Thanks for writing. I need it.
ReplyDeleteCongratulations, Gertie! I enjoy reading about your sewing experiences on your blog.
ReplyDeleteRose in SV
Oh how I've been wanting this book for so long (since the first edition even)! If I win, will you sign it? I think it would be neat to have an inscription from you since I read this blog constantly :)
ReplyDeleteCrossing my fingers and toes...
I love your blog. It has been inspiring. Thalia
ReplyDeleteYour blog has become a part of my morning routine. wake up, drink coffee, see what gertie's up to. x.
ReplyDeleteCongrats, Gertie! Your blog has been a huge inspiration to me--I am not surprised in the least that 999 others feel the same way! :D
ReplyDeleteWow! Thanks Gertie! I love your blog. It's a different perspective for me altogether, and I love the way the discussions make me think. You've also inspired me. I can't wait til I'm not preggo anymore so I can learn to sew clothes for myself. Keep it up!
ReplyDeleteWow! Thanks Gertie! I love your blog. It's a different perspective for me altogether, and I love the way the discussions make me think. You've also inspired me. I can't wait til I'm not preggo anymore so I can learn to sew clothes for myself. Keep it up!
ReplyDeleteThe pleasure is all mine, I assure you. I am so excited to make vintage clothes now!
ReplyDeleteThe book looks wonderful!
ReplyDeleteI love your blog Gertie. Like many others, it's one of the few blogs I check daily. I'm inspired by your excellent seamsmanship (is that a word?) and your fund attitude. So, thank you!
ReplyDeleteThank you! Throwing my name in the hat! Mary
ReplyDeleteI'd love a chance to win! Thanks for the giveaway!
ReplyDeleteThank you for being an inspiration to us. I want to be able to sew like you when I grow up. :) Btw, I adore your orange pencil skirt with the bow. You deserve every one of those 1000 followers.
ReplyDeleteI saw you were getting close a few days ago and wondered what you would be doing to commemorate the event. Alas, my blog is only at 39 followers so I have no idea how it feels. I've been tempted by that book and would love to win a free copy so hopefully I'll get picked.
ReplyDeleteYou know...since apparently nobody loves me. ;)
Oh Gertie
ReplyDeleteI'm a new follower of your blog and I'd like to say that it is us who thank you. Your style, comments and general demeanor is just wonderful!
I have spent more time since discovering you looking at clothes than I ever have before and am inspired to try sewing things I wouldn't have dared before (tonight is bound buttonholes!)
Congrats on the 1000
Love your blog!
ReplyDeleteWOW!! So many followers!! CONGRATS!! of course you have so many followers because your blog is GREAT!!! it has two of the things I love :sewing and vintage fashion!!!
Wow, congrats on 1000 followers! Thanks for sharing your thoughts with all of us readers! Your blog is inspiring, well-written and funny - a real delight to read. And what a lovely giveaway too!
ReplyDeleteThank you for everything you do on the blog!
ReplyDeleteCongrats on your 1000! This blog has given me so much inspiration on my fashion journey, I've thoroughly enjoyed it. Thank you.
ReplyDeleteIt's impressive what you've done with your blog! I read every post. Curious about the book, so I'm in!
ReplyDeleteCongratulations on reaching 1000! You are one of two blogs I follow on my google homepage. I absolutely love your blog even though I never comment on it...
ReplyDeleteI love your blog. I am just starting up some sewing projects and I love browsing your finished products and tutorials! Thank you
ReplyDeleteHolly Dai
OMG that book looks amazing. Fingers crossed!!
ReplyDeleteI love your blog. Your sewing inspires me.
ReplyDeleteWhether I win or no, this is a great chance for me to say thank you for your great blog! As a long-time sewer and costume designer, I sew constantly but it is so rare that I take time to make things for myself. Your blog is inspiring me to start again and re-energizing me to love sewing in a fresh way.
ReplyDeleteso, thank YOU!
Thank you for such a great blog!!
ReplyDeleteCongrats on 1000 followers! How exciting! That book looks really excellent too, would be great to win it!
ReplyDeleteYours is the only sewing blog I read these days, count me in!
ReplyDeleteI read everyday! Love you and love your blog!
Ooh, this book is on my wishlist! Thanks, Gertie, for such a fab blog! I wake up with a cup of coffee and your daily entry, and am so inspired by all you do
ReplyDeleteI love reading your blog, it's one of the first ones that I check every day! So thank you for your awesome and very entertaining posts :)
ReplyDeleteI love your blog and your sense of style!
ReplyDeleteI love this blog (I even made your gathered skirt tutorial and it turned out great, and I learned how to do blind hems and invisible zippers!).
ReplyDeleteKeep up the inspiring work!
Gertie- I read your blog faithfully and I all I can ever do is drool over your skills and insight. You inspire me!
ReplyDeleteWow! Thank you! I read every day and have learned much.
ReplyDeleteI admire your style and willingness to try new ideas and then post 'em - success or not so successful - for all to see.
I just found your blog and I spent over an hour reading thru all of your posts!! Can't wait to see more.
ReplyDeleteHi, well i guess i'd love to win this giveaway but i want to take this opportunity to tell you what i like about your blog (which i discovered about 4 months ago,i think):
ReplyDeleteReason 1 : i like it because i makes me think about how i'm sewing, what patterns are right for me, what techniques to look into, how i select fabric, why i'm attracted to such and such style, how the maketing of sewing products affect us, why i want only the stylish part of the 40's or 50's (and not male domination!), etc. Reading your "ramblings" actually helps me think about my own practice, about my own choices.
Reason 2: you recently wrote that you think of yourself as a seamstress rather than a designer of clothes. I loved that. Because I could say the same. I love patterns and i'd prefer to use a pattern and make something fantastic rather than invent my own design and come up with something that lacks talent. Because i know for sure i don't have that talent but maybe i can become good at sewing...!
Thank you for making me think while sewing (multi tasking!) and inspiring me so often
Gertie, love the blog, look forward to it every
ReplyDeleteMorning in my google reader.
What a beautiful prize!!!
ReplyDeleteHey Gertie,
ReplyDeleteI've only recently chanced upon your blog (via your 'Bullet bra' posting, isn't google great!), and am loving what I'm finding. I really want to start using all my vintage patterns and dressmaking books, and I know already you're site's set to become a real inspiration.
I also second the idea of a discussion board, lol!
Thanks for competition,
Anya (1,009th follower!) xx
ReplyDeleteI love seeing your vintage looks - the way your clothes are unmistakably of-the-past without being stuck there.
Love your blog!
ReplyDeleteOoo, cool book, yes I'll enter. :-) Thanks much for writing this blog!
Fantastic! Thank you, Gertie! I really enjoy reading your blog and I admire your dedication with sewing. You've helped inspire me to sew more often and finish what I start because I love seeing your finished projects and want to start seeing some of my own, haha!
ReplyDeleteHi ya Gertie! Thank you for posting such wonderful things. I check the blog daily and simply adore it!
ReplyDeleteI actually got pretty excited watching the numbers tick up to 1000 over the last few days... Congratulations, every one is well earned!
ReplyDeleteThank you.
Wow, thanks Gertie! I love reading along and getting tips and ideas from you as I get ready to jump into sewing my own garments.
ReplyDeleteLove your blog. You've inspired me to start sewing again after years without. Thanks!
ReplyDeleteGreat giveaway! Pick me! Pick me! And congrats on the 1000 followers!
ReplyDeleteA very well deserved following - Congrats Gertie and thanks for all the awesome tips!
thank you gertie! this blog inspired me so much that despite my impatience with sewing (I have expressed it before here) I have decided that I can after all sew-- I just can't use the sewing machine. By hand it is-- but I still like to believe you'd be proud.
ReplyDeletemelina bee
Thank you for a wonderful blog! I love it so much- it has become my #1 favorite sewing blog. I find everything you do so informative and inspiring and encouraging! Plus, I love that you too live in Queens!!!!
ReplyDeleteSo thanks so much for every word and photo and keep posting so I can keep reading! xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo
love your blog! congratulations on 1000 followers! good idea for a giveaway :)