Sunday, January 24, 2010

Vintage Hairstyling: A Giveaway!

Readers, I am thrilled to announce this lovely sponsored giveaway. Lauren Rennells is the author of the absolutely fabulous book Vintage Hairstyling. And she's provided a copy for one very lucky reader!

I've been using my copy of this book for a couple weeks now, and it's helped me tremendously. I'll admit that I used to think I could gain all the knowledge I needed on this subject from YouTube - but having a printed reference from a professional is so helpful and is definitely taking my 'dos to the next level.

The photographs and copy are clear and easy to understand, and I love that all the tools she uses are easy to find. The basics section has been the most helpful to me so far - it explains the difference between wet and hot sets and shows you how the details (like what direction you roll the curl in) make all the difference. There are sections on finger waves, hot rollers, pin curls, curling iron sets, victory rolls, pompadours . . . and the list goes on! (Go to Lauren's website to see full-size sample pages of the book.)

There are lots of elaborate styles explained step-by-step.

I was amazed at all the different styles I can do with my length of hair - fake bobs, a pageboy, and more. There's also a look inspired by Joan Holloway, which you know I'll have to try at some point.

To make a long story short, if you're interested in trying vintage hairstyles, you need this book. And you can win one right here! To enter, just leave a comment on this post by midnight EST on Wednesday, January 29th. I'll pick a winner by random number and announce it the next day. (Note: you'll need to see the post to claim your prize, so subscribe to this blog if you haven't already!)

A big thanks to Lauren Rennells for sponsoring this awesome giveaway. Be sure to check out her website, order her book, and read her fantastic blog.

Update: contest is open to all countries. As long as you can receive mail, you're in!

Update #2: To answer Nathalie's question, becoming a follower means subscribing to my blog by your method of choice: e-mail (see the link in the right sidebar), Google reader, Blogger (that's the little widget with all the profile pics), Blog Lovin', etc.


  1. Thanks for this levely giveaway!
    I'd be so happy if I win!
    I want to do my hair in a vintage way for my prom but right now I'm still struggling...

    However, is this contest open to canadians residents?

  2. This book looks amazing! I'd love to have a copy!

  3. Lovely lovely hair. I'd love a copy of this book!

  4. It looks like a fabulous book. What a wonderful giveaway. Good luck to everyone!

  5. This book looks wonderful and its not available through Brooklyn Public Library so I'd love to enter!

  6. Count me in, too! Thanks!

  7. What a great giveaway, please count me in! *^v^*

  8. Awesome Gertie! I would love this book. I really enjoy your blog BTW! Mary

  9. Wow, what perfect timing! I just got my hair cut yesterday in a pageboy style and I want to know how to play with it! Fingers crossed....

  10. Oh. My. Dog. I need this book!

    - thanks for an awesome blog -

  11. Excellent giveaway! I've been eyeing that book since you first mentioned it. Please count me in.

    Really ignorant question here... what do you mean by 'subscribing' to you blog? Does this entail becoming a 'follower' - all hail Gertie! - or is visiting the blog everyday enough?

  12. This book looks fantastic -- and I could certainly use professional help with my hair. :-)

  13. Please count me in!!! I've been trying to find a stockist that ships to Israel for less than the price of the book!

  14. I don't know if this book will be any good for my hair, but still I would like to win it, and practise on my friends, and maybe some day I'll be the one with a vintage hairdo! So I'm in!

  15. I've been stalking this book forever! I'd love a copy :D

  16. Ooh, yes yes yes! This is on my wish list -- I need the hair to go with my WW2 wardrobe.

  17. Thanks for the give-aways Gertie :) I think Ill buy the book if I don't win !

  18. Wow! This book looks great! *hold thumbs*

  19. Looks amazing. I've been struggling with nice ways to wear my hair when I'm going out and this looks perfect!

  20. i think i figured out this subscription business!


  21. Oooooh! This is on my Amazon wish list. Thanks for the giveaway!

  22. This comment has been removed by the author.

  23. Oops. Disregard Emily up above. My daughter was signed into the computer, and I didn't realize that I wasn't when I was commenting.

    Anyway, I would love to win this. It would be so much fun to try out the hairstyles. Thanks so much for this awesome giveaway.

  24. I would so love this book. thanks for the giveaway

  25. Thanks for the giveaway. I have been eyeing this book for a while and it is on my birthday wish list. With my birthday 6 days away it would be awesome to win it. :-)

  26. Thanks - I just tried rolling my hair with Babyliss ceramic hot rollers and while I did look a bit like Mary Tyler Moore, I had a LOT of volume . . . . Good tip on the book - I meed some help!

  27. I always wondered how they achieved those looks in old movies....

  28. It would be nice to have some decent direction on how best to use my hot rollers!

    Fingers crossed!

  29. This would be great to win! I've wanted to try out some of these styles before but I guess i'm just too darn lazy to get around to it without instructions right in front of me! Such inspiration in this book!

  30. Ah, count me in as another hopeful throwing my hat into the ring!

  31. I would love a copy of this book! The pages make the hairstyles seem easy, even for styling-challenged girls like me.

  32. I've heard so many great things about this book and I'd love to receive a copy. Thanks for having this giveaway!

  33. The book looks awesome. Count me in! :)

  34. Oh, count me in! I've seen the book in a store near where I live and I didn't get it for christmas ... so here's me holding my fingers crossed!

  35. Oh, that book looks beyond divine! Please count me in for your giveaway! xoxo

  36. Oooh I'd like to enter please! This book looks fabulous. I've been learning how to do vintage hair dos for a few months now, and have just started working with hair rats...aren't they fabulous??!! I have my fingers crossed,x

  37. I'm in! This is on my amazon wishlist right now but the next chance for anyone to shop my wishlist is a while away...I'd love to not wait!

  38. Looks like a fun book! I maight spend my Sunday playing with my hair...

  39. Wonderfull giveaway...

  40. I want this book SO badly! It's been on my birthday wishlist since it (or it's author?) showed up as a sponser on your blog. Winning it would totally make my day.


  41. That is so cool. I am going to have to check that book out.

  42. Ok, I never style my hair because it's a lost cause, but maybe if I had actual instructions to follow...!

  43. Oh, how I wish I'd had this book ten years ago! But now would be just fine.

  44. Ohh how cool! I would like to be entered into the raffle, please.

    Rose in SV

  45. Ooh. I'm throwing my hand in. If nothing else, that Holloway style looks fabulous and I want to try it!

  46. I am in, can't wait to win it ;P

  47. I loved this book when I found it at your sponser's website and considered buying it. Not only would the hairstyles be fun and good for everyday looks but I have a big event coming up where such a hairstyle would be appropriate. Thanks for doing this giveaway!

  48. Love your blog Gertie! What an exciting give away! Thanks!

  49. Ooh! Sign me up!! I've been contemplating trying out some vintage styles - this is just the boost I need!

  50. I need help in this category! Thanks for this! Count me in!

  51. I have been playing around with retro hairstyles by using sponge rollers on my washed and dried hair before I go to bed. It cuts down on the frizz factor. Now, when I go back to my old method of just blowing out my hair or straightening it, I just feel like I'm undone. Now, I finally understand why my mother never leaves the house without her face and hair done (even though it can take an hour and a half). Natural, smatural. Count me in.

  52. Count me in, your posts have inspired me to pin-curl my growing-out bob, and made it look much better!

  53. I've been eyeing that book for ages! It looks so lovely.

  54. Count me in too. What a lovely give away.

  55. I'd love to get one! youtube tutorials are generally for half-long heir, whereas mine is very long.
    Plus my internet connection is right before my window, and I'm always afraid of my neigbours seeing me testing odd hairstyles!

  56. Count me in!
    It looks like a great book. I have curly hair but it is often so unruly and I never now what to do with it when it is like that. Some of these pictures look great even for everyday wear!

  57. I'm always trying to think of new ideas of what to do with my hair and this book looks like a treat for that!

  58. I'm in! This book looks amazing.

  59. I would LOVE to win a copy of this book!

  60. Wow, this book looks great! I would love to learn how to make my bob into finger waves.

  61. The book looks great, as does your hair so I definately need a copy to try and make my mop look halfway decent!

  62. Oh, such an awesome book! If I don't win I still plan to buy it for a friend who loves to play around with hair.

  63. I have been eying this book up like its nobodies business! How great is this give away?!

  64. Uuuuh, great giveaway! Count me in :D

  65. Great giveaway!!! This would be a godsend - I will have to get it even if I don't win.

  66. I am loving your giveaways! :) The hairstyles look amazing! PS I AM a girl, i have no idea why it keeps saying Mr as my name

  67. Lovely blog!
    Thanks for making your giveaway open to everyone :)

  68. This looks like a wonderful book.

  69. I would love to get this book. I tried styles that were demonstrated on you tube and it was an epic fail.

  70. Another awesome giveaway! Thanks Gertie - count me in. I've been wanting this book for a while now. Thanks for the opportunity!

  71. I'd love to give this a try. My hair is not very obedient, so I need lots of help.

  72. I'd love the book too! I need to fancy up my hair a bit, and stop wearing ponytails all the time.

  73. OMG I want this book something awful. I have been waiting for a modern book. I spend months trying one specific style at a time and I am so excited to see a book putting it all together!!!

  74. This book is awesome. I would love to win it. I can just imagine trying all the different hairstyles. Thanks for the giveaway.

  75. wishin' and hopin' and thinkin' and prayin'... x

  76. I love vintage hairstyles and giveaways!

  77. I bought the 1st book, but my hairs too difficult to do pin curls, but I agree the instructions are clear, and the cheat techniques are great for beginners.

  78. This book looks like a fabulous resource! Count me in!

  79. I've been dying to get that book!

  80. This book has been on my wishlist for some time.

  81. How fantastic! I'm growing my hair back out from a few years of super-short cuts and can't wait to have the opportunity to do more styles like this.

  82. That looks like a really good book, and I think it's going on my list if I don't win!

  83. What a great giveaway! I've been coveting this book for some time now

  84. I'd love to enter your give away please!

  85. I am very much in need of a new hairstyle! This is perfect!

  86. Wow, that looks like a great book! What a great give-away!

  87. The book looks great, so cool you have giveaways! I've just started following your blog, love it and getting a lot of inspiration for my own projects so thank you!

  88. This book looks fabulous! I've been admiring it for quite some time now!

  89. I have always been interested in learning how to do some of the styles from the 30's. This book looks like an excellent reference!

  90. Great giveaway! What a great prize - count me in! :D

  91. Oh man, I'm in. :) Thank you for running this!

  92. Oh wow, I've been looking longingly at this book for ages! I'm growing out my hair, so this would be so useful.

  93. Oh! My friends and I have been drooling over this book for a few months but none of us have imported it to Australia yet. Would simply LOVE to have one :)

  94. Sign me up! Thanks to your blog I have gained confidence to to victory rolls and have since gotten a hot roller set and would love to try more styles now that my hair is getting longer!

  95. Fabulous glamor looks to start 2010 with! I'd love to try "Vintage Hairstyling" and share with my daughters. Thanks for the chance!

  96. Thanks for the giveaway, here's hoping!

  97. Yay!! January 29th is my golden bday :) what a great Birthday gift this would be! I Love fallowing your blog, you are very talented.

  98. I've had my eye on this book for a while now--I have long hair for the first time in years, and no idea what to do with it. Some gorgeous retro styles would be just the thing to keep me from hacking it all off again!

  99. Looks like a great book. Sign me up! Thanks

  100. Wow that books looks fantastic! I admit to being fairly lazy when it comes to doing my longish wavy hair but I have loved seeing your new styles lately.

  101. Ah! Enter me please! This looks amazing!

  102. I love vintage hairstyles. If only they didn't take forever to recreate with my long hair. Love the blog too btw.

  103. This book has been patiently waiting on my wish list. I am so excited about your giveaway! Per chance this darling read goes to someone else, I will need to drop some serious hints to the Lover Boy. It could possibly top the Ella F. collection he gifted one previous Valentine's. Your blog is a delight, Gertie ~ keep up the awesome content!

  104. Beth from Upstate NYJanuary 24, 2010 at 5:36 PM

    I'll share it with my daughter, if I get it.

  105. this looks like just what i have been needing in the hair help department!!! i will post/send pictures of my new hairdos if i win!!!

    love, susan

  106. Perfect timing. I showed a picture of you to my mom and asked if she could give me a hair make over and with this book I could do it myself. :)

  107. Hi! I really want to learn new vintage hairstyles and I'd love to have a copy.

  108. This would be a Wonderful thing to have. I had no idea something like this existed. Thank you so much to your generous donor!

  109. Love your giveaways! This looks like a very cool book!

  110. What an awesome book! great giveaway. *sigh* I could sure use some help in the hair department right now.

  111. I got my sister this book last month, and she loves it. It is a fantastic resource.

  112. This book looks fantastic! I'd love to get hold of a copy... which I think I will do if I don't win. I have an awards thing to go to in a couple of weeks, where the theme is 'old-school glamour', and I've got the most gorgeous 1950s dress on order... now I just need the hair to go with it!

    I'm crossing my fingers!


  113. Oooh.... I've been experimenting a lot lately, too. Youtube doesn't know everything? Victory rolls and beehives are keeping me from getting pissed off and chopping my hair.

  114. I have always been a fan of the pin curl as my mom would do my hair for me every week when i was young! It would be great to expand my styling knowledge!

  115. I am so excited, I have only been doing vintage hairstyles regularly for about six months, but I've heard of this book several times, and I think she's fabulous.

  116. Nadine (Dangtryagain)January 24, 2010 at 6:29 PM

    I would love to have this book! PICK ME!

    Nadine (dangtryagain)

  117. What an amazing book Gertie! I had no idea that there were such books out there! Thank you Doll for such a wonderful blog site, I look forward to it every day!

  118. This is such a great giveaway, I would adore a copy of this book.

  119. oh this book looks totally amazing! I would love a copy!

  120. What a great giveaway!!! Thank you so much!!!

  121. That would be so much fun to try.

  122. What an awesome giveaway! This book would entertain me for weeks with all those tutorials.

  123. I would love to try my hand at styling my hair like this!

  124. It seems like such an interesting book!

  125. It would be great to know how to do these hairstyles. I could finnaly do my hair.

  126. Thanks for posting this giveaway! Looks like a fantastic book to win!

  127. I have been visiting Laura Rennells
    web-site since I saw her picture on your blog. The book is to die for.
    I am wishing myself luck in winning it as I am growing my hair out. I've had a short pixie for some time now. My hair is a short bob (almost to my chin) and I am anxious ot try some fun styles. I can't wait for a few more inches to grow.

  128. Just one thing to say: *droooooooooooool*

  129. Ohhhh, I really hope I win this! It appears to have more styles than the first, and I'm desperate for a good beehive tutorial. *crosses fingers*

  130. How fabulous - at my house the book would probably shuttle between my room and my teen DD - I love the 50's and she loves the 40's. We would adore this book.

  131. What a great book! Thanks for organising another giveaweay.

  132. I agree, that looks fantastic! I love vintage hair styles!

  133. Don't add me to the draw, as I already have this book (and it is excellent!), but the author's first name is Lauren, not Laura

  134. Awesome, I'm so glad you're giving away this book! I was just saying this morning that I wish I knew how to do cool hairstyles.

  135. oh my goodness!! I would just about DIE if i won this book! I've been waiting for enough funds to buy one =) good luck everyone!

  136. This book looks fabulous, and my hair certainly does need help!

  137. I am so happy that there is a book like this available! I would be even happier if I got it for free... thanks for the opportunity

  138. This comment has been removed by the author.

  139. I have wanted this book for ages!

  140. Oooh, yes! Me, too. I love the old styles and her book looks so well written. I will go and check out her blog as well.

  141. I Looove these! What a fantastic book! I'd love to win it

  142. Would love to win this! Count me in!

  143. This would awesome to win. Hopefully my hair is long enough though.

  144. Oh! I'm so excited! I wanted to buy this book but it's not available in Canada - this is even better! Thanks Gertie for another lovely giveaway!

  145. This is really cool! I'd love to win:)

  146. Great contest, Gertie, I'd love a copy of this book! Thanks for all your inspiration!

  147. What a great giveaway! I would love a copy of this book.

  148. I've always wanted to try a pageboy style

  149. Would love to have a copy of this book!

  150. Fingers crossed...I need help with pincurls! I've tried many times and never succeeded. Thanks for offering a giveaway!

  151. ohhh ive wanted this book forever. Love your blog and thanks for the chance to win this little beauty :-D

  152. Will I learn how to do that perfect French twist that has eluded me?

  153. I would love to have this book. It looks like the instructions are clear and easy to follow, and the hairstyles are fantastic.

  154. We need this! I recently read the only vintage hair book I could find from the library, but it was too complicated for me. (Someone let me know if you can crack the code:

    I'm so excited to see this one!

  155. Please let me win so I don't have to buy this! I'm meant to be saving money but this is such a goodie!

  156. This would be so fun! Any hints for hairstyles with kitty help? LOL

  157. I want to throw my hat in the ring, and learn some styles that's look good under it!

  158. That looks awesome - I want this book! :-)

  159. Difficult to resist that book and all the possible hairdos!
    You are going to turn me into a vintage girl someday :-)

  160. OH!! This is amazing! I adore all things vintage and retro, and this book has been on my must-haves list for so long! count me in!

  161. ohhh! fantastic! I'd love to have instructions and get this dang hair tamed into a coif!

  162. ooo ooo ooo. Pick me!

    P.S. I love what you have been doing with your hair and make-up lately. Inspiring me to take the time to look nice.

  163. Gertie!

    So I love your blog - I always feel so inspired...and sad that I am not keeping up with you - after reading! I have also been eying the hairstyling book but I just MOOOVEDD (into a space with some (albeit tiny) space to sew!! yay!) so it's not exactly in the budget (lol).

    Keep up the good work! and yay to you for making my day like all the time!

    -Amanda Sarah

  164. Oh! My victory rolls need serious help. Fingers crossed! Thanks for your blog!

  165. I was just going to order this book...but if I win it, that's great too!

  166. Just like everyone else, I would love a copy of this book!

  167. Oh thank you thank you thank you for including us in other countries. :)

    I am so glad your sponsors are relevant and interesting. They are more like a source than an advertisement. Two thumbs up!

  168. I love vintage hairstyles but struggle to get my hair to do what I want! This book looks like it would be the answer!

  169. Wow, you didn't have to tell for us to know it's a great book. I'd be absolutely delighted...

    And keep up the good work with all the tutorials and inspiration. Your blog is a treasure chest!

  170. i just added them to my amazon wishlist... Ive been eyeing it for awhile now... hopefully i win!! hahahaha then ill force all my clients to have 40's hair like me! )i am a hairdresser)

  171. I have the first book, and it's been a great help and tutor! The first pages have even fallen out from too much use... I'd love to have the second one as well, there seems to be some new beautiful harido's in it that I'd love to try!

  172. This book looks great - I've already seen their site before, when I was looking for vintage hairstyling. But there isn't any good way to purchase it here in Germay. So winning the book would simply be faboulous :-)

  173. I would love to try that book! Thanks for having this giveaway!

  174. I would love to get a copy :)
    It is not for sale in my contry or

  175. I'd love to win this book - thank you for the great giveaway!

  176. I found your blog through Sew Retro and I really love it! I feel like your links and posts are always a really high quality, and I too have been thinking about a retro haircut! Perfect timing!

  177. I've been wanting this book since it came out but never had the spare money to buy it.

  178. Would love to have this book. Looks great.

  179. As everybody else: I would love to win this giveaway!

  180. I think there are several styles I could use with my long, curly hair!

  181. Oh man! I've wanted this book since the first time I saw it. Thank you ladies for a great give-away.

  182. Yes please I would love to win this!

  183. Oooh, a givaway.
    I stumbled across your blog last week and am enjoying it very much!

  184. Oh wow! This is such a cool book. Thanks for the giveaway.


Thanks for your comments; I read each and every one! xo Gertie

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